Sitemap 4
- What is a major cause of hypokalemia? A. Kidney insufficiency B. liver damage ...
- A child weighs 98 lbs. What is the child's daily maintenance fluid requirement per hour? ...
- A nurse is caring for a child with hyperkalemia and has an order of daily ...
- A nurse is caring for a child that weighs 46 kg. What is the child's ...
- What is the primary cause of hyperkalemia? A. renal insufficiency B. vomiting ...
- The point at which two sister chromatids are attached. A. Cell plate B. ...
- Structures that are elongations of centrioles and assist with nuclear division. A. Centrioles ...
- What is the first step in prokaryotic cell division? A. A new cell membrane ...
- The carries out routine functions as it grows and makes proteins and organelles. A. ...
- Four phase process in which two nuclei are created is known as A. Mitosis ...
- Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell during A. Metaphase ...
- Two nuclei appear in A. Metaphase B. Prophase C. Telophase D. ...
- A new cell wall that develops between the nuclei of plant cells in Telophase. ...
- DNA in the form of chromatin is present during A. Metaphase B. interphase ...
- The cell spends most of its life in A. Interphase B. Prophase ...
- What are some reasons why cells need to divide? A. Growth B. Replace ...
- The nuclear envelope begins to dissolve in A. Metaphase B. Prophase C. ...
- Chromosomes line up at the cell’s equator during A. Prophase B. Metaphase ...
- Splitting the cytoplasm to create two daughter cells. A. Cytokenesis B. Spindle Fibers ...
- What type of cell division do prokaryotic cells undergo? A. Binary fission B. ...
- The DNA is replicated during this sub-phase of interphase. A. Cytokenesis B. Synthesis ...
- Two identical chromosomes that are created before cell division are called A. Sister chromatids ...
- Nine triplets of microtubules that assist with cell division are called A. Mitosis ...
- Which type of cell division do eukaryotic cells go through? A. Binary fission ...
- what is the largest artery A. radial B. aorta C. ulnar ...
- A. Pumps blood to the body B. ...
- The organ that removes metabolic wastes including urea, excess water, and salts from the blood. ...
- Whats the main function of the lymphatic system? A. removes extra fluid from tissues ...
- Structure that prevents blood from flowing backwards in the circulatory system A. Atrium ...
- Lower chamber of the heart. Pumps blood to the body & lungs. A. Atrium ...
- what does the lymphatic system do? A. regulates blood pressure B. allows muscles ...
- The direction blood is carried through the superior vena cava A. afferent B. efferent ...
- what does an atrium do A. let blood in B. let blood out ...
- A. Pumps blood to the body B. ...
- Resins and gums are wastes stored in old xylem. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- Substances transported in plants are A. water B. minerals C. food ...
- Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. A. Artery B. Capillary ...
- what is the function of the capillaries A. take blood toward heart B. ...
- Oxygen is carried out by hemoglobin and the RBCs A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- how is blood pressure created A. force of blood against artery wall B. ...
- A. Left Atrium B. Left Ventricle ...
- Which sequence represents the correct pathway for the removal of urine from the human body? ...
- Ascent of sap in plants takes place through A. Cortex B. Epidermis ...
- what happens in systemic circulation A. circulation for the entire body B. circulation ...
- what happens in pulmonary circulation A. circulation to the lungs B. circulation to ...
- what is the function of the veins A. take blood toward heart B. ...
- A. Left Atrium B. Left Ventricle ...
- Place the following events in sequence: A) Urine passes through the ureters B) Urea enters ...
- Which organ of the excretory system stores urine until the body is ready to eliminate ...
- The plant tissue that carries food materials DOWNWARD from the leaves to the rest of ...
- ______ are tubes that carry nutrients to other parts of the plant. A. stomata B. ...
- These are types of blood cells: A. Red blood cells, platelets and white blood ...
- A. Left Atrium B. Left Ventricle ...
- right side of the heart is high in A. O2 B. H ...
- Blood in the pulmonary artery is A. high in oxygen, low in carbon dioxide B. ...
- A. Pumps blood to the body B. ...
- Which part in this diagram absorbs water from soil? ...
- Large blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart. A. Artery B. ...
- what is the function of arteries A. take blood to heart B. take ...
- Upper chamber of the heart. Receives blood from the body & lungs. A. Atrium ...
- The cluster of capillaries within a nephron. A. glomerulus B. alveoli C. ...
- How do water enter the roots from the soil? ...
- Largest artery in the body. A. Artery B. Capillary C. Vein ...
- Tiny blood vessel that exchanges materials between blood and body cells. A. Artery ...
- what happens in coronary circulation A. circulation to the heart B. circulation to ...
- Transpiration is A. the movement of water through a plant from the roots up the ...
- The direction blood is carried through the pulmonary artery A. afferent B. efferent
- Blood consist of fluid medium called as ______- A. plasma B. delta ...
- A. Pumps blood to the body B. ...
- A short tube where urine is released from the body is the _______. A. Ureter ...
- What is #4? A. Kidney B. Ureter C. Bladder ...
- What is #2? A. Kidney B. Ureters C. Bladder ...
- The functional unit of the kidneys which includes the glomerulus, Bowman's capsule and the Loop ...
- left side of the heart is high in A. O2 B. CO2 ...
- In a healthy adult the initial filtrate in the kidneys is ____ daily A. ...
- what does a ventricle do A. force blood out B. let blood in ...
- A. Left Atrium B. Left Ventricle ...
- The destination of blood in the pulmonary artery is the A. right atrium B. ...
- what is the purpose of circulation A. supply O2 and nutrients and remove waste ...
- Diffusion is a major method of transport of materials in A. tall plants ...
- In a 2019 study of the world’s most liveable cities, Sydney is ranked: A. ...
- What is an objective factor? A. Factors that can't be measured B. a ...
- According to the graph shown here, which form of ...
- Sydney was ranked the world's most liveable city __ times in a row before Vienna ...
- Subjective factors are... A. personal likes and dislikes B. infrastrucutre C. climate ...
- Access to health care and education is... A. an objective factor B. a ...
- Which of the following is not considered a description of a liveable place? A. ...
- The city pictured is considered one of the safest ...
- Ben and Jess have five kids of school age a large dog and they like ...
- According to the source shown, the order of liveability ...
- What are subjective factors? A. factors that we don't care about B. factors ...
- What is one reason Harare, Zimbabwe is considered a city with low liveability? A. ...
- Which city is the most desirable to live in? A. Perth B. Johannesburg ...
- What is liveability? A. An assessment of how good or bad a place is ...
- According to the Economist, which European city was the most liveable for 2018? A. ...
- Which of the following factors woould reduce the liveability of a location? A. Quality ...
- The least liveable cities are most likely to be ...
- Which of the following descriptions would represent the most ...
- Which of the following statements is true? A. Air pollution tends to worse in ...
- Why might Tokyo, Japan be considered a safe and stable city? A. ...
- Good public transport is considered a part of which measure of liveability? A. safety ...
- Which of the following is one of the ten ...
- What about Perth’s climate makes it liveable? ...
- Vienna is a liveable city because: A. it has excellent infrastructure, such as public ...
- Access to services e.g. shops and schools are examples of liveability criteria A. TRUE ...
- Which continent might be considered the most dangerous for ...
- Australiasia is an interesting region because: A. it has some of the world's most ...
- A place with high levels of crime and little access to clean water would have ...
- Organisms with 2 different alleles for a trait is known as... A. Dominant ...
- _____________________ is the field of science that studies of how traits are passed on, or ...
- What is the genotype for this organism? (E= ...
- Heredity is the passing of traits from _____________________ to _____________________ A. predators to prey B. ...
- A ________________________ is used to predict the possible genotype ...
- When the two alleles of a particular gene are the same: A. homozygous ...
- Are recessive traits shown with capital or lowercase letters? A. Capital B. Lowercase ...
- Dominant alleles are represented by a: A. Male gene B. lowercase letter C. recessive trait ...
- Genetics is the study of A. anatomy B. heredity C. cardiology ...
- An organism’s genetic makeup A. Homozygous B. Mutation C. Allele D. Genotype
- Which of the following is a phenotype? A. Aa B. red hair C. heterozygous D. ...
- Tt is- A. homozygous dominant B. homozygous recessive C. heterozygous D. none of these ...
- An organism’s physical appearance or visible traits “What you look like” A. DNA ...
- What did Gregor Mendel study? A. Mold Spores B. Pea Plants C. ...
- The Father of Genetics is: A. Mendel Gregor B. Howie Mendel C. George Mendel D. ...
- When the two alleles of a particular gene are different: A. heterozygous B. ...
- An allele or gene that always shows is A. recessive B. dominant C. hidden D. ...
- Which of the following genotypes is heterozygous? A. Bb B. BB C. bb D. B ...
- The different forms of genes are known as A. environment B. probability C. traits D. ...
- Which of the following is homozygous recessive? A. Tt B. tt C. TT D. T ...
- Which is the correct phenotype for this organism? A. ...
- Parents pass their traits down to the offspring through their _____________. A. daughter cells ...
- Aa, DD, Bb, yy are all examples of A. genotypes B. phenotypes ...
- Which of the following is NOT a trait you can inherit? A. your athletic ability ...
- Who is Gregor Mendel A. an Austrian Monk from the mid 1800s who contributed ...
- The underlying or inner layer of the skin, which is also called the derma corium, ...
- Fatty tissue found below the dermis is: A. papillae B. papillary layer C. tactile D. ...
- How many layers are there in the skin A. 1 B. 3 ...
- What is the top layer of the skin called? A. Dermis B. Subcutaneous ...
- The principle functions of the skin are protection, heat regulation, and A. secretion, absorption ...
- The underlying or inner layer of the skin which is also call the corium, cutis, ...
- The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin, structure, functions, diseases ...
- The layer that is composed of several of different shaped cells and contains skin pigment ...
- As we age, elastin fibers naturally weaken causing a loss of: A. elasticity ...
- The dermis is made up of two layers which are the: A. stratum corneum ...
- What detects pain? A. nerve endings B. pacinian corpuscle C. Meissner's corpuscle ...
- What produces sweat? A. pore B. sweat gland C. sebaceous gland ...
- Adipose tissue is most abundant in the ________________ layer under the skin. A. epidermal ...
- The outermost and thinnest layer of the skin is the: A. surface B. epidermis C. ...
- What produces sebum? A. artery B. sweat gland C. salivary gland ...
- Nerve fibers that are distributed to the sweat and oil glands of the skin and ...
- Nerve fibers that react to heat, cold, touch pressure and pain A. motor nerve ...
- The layer of the epidermis which contain scale-like cells that are continually shedding A. ...
- Which of the following is not a function of the skin A. Protection ...
- Where can you find a layer of dead skin cells? A. in the dermis ...
- The largest organ of the human body is the: A. liver B. skin C. lungs ...
- The fatty layer found beneath the dermis is called: A. subcutaneous B. lymphatics ...
- Nerve endings are most abundant on the A. eyelids B. elbows C. ...
- The outermost layer of the skin which is commonly called the cuticle is technically called ...
- Identify the structure labeled I. A. hair ...
- The skin varies in thickness and and is found to be thickest on the: ...
- _________ play an important role in the skin's health often aiding in healing, softening, keeping ...
- The skin is thinnest on the A. lips B. elbows C. palms ...
- Identify the layer labeled A. A. dermis ...
- Part of the motor nerve fiber, what is responsible for our skin getting goose bumps? ...
- The skin contains two types of duct glands that extract oil, sweat and toxins: ...
- What is the oily substance that hydrates the skin, prevents it from being dry and ...
- What is the muscle that pulls hair upright? A. bicep femoris B. arrector ...
- What type of muscle is this? A. skeletal B. ...
- This type of tissue transmits impulses throughout the body: A. cardiac muscle B. skeletal tissue ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Bone B. Reticular C. ...
- Identify the picture A. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium B. Simple ...
- Identify the picture A. Pseudostratified columnar B. Simple squamous ...
- Which of the following tissues binds everything together? A. Epithelial B. Connective C. Muscle D. ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Skeletal muscle B. Smooth ...
- Name the tissue type: A. Reticular B. Adipose C. ...
- The muscle tissue shown is called ______. A. Skeletal ...
- Epithelial tissue is classified according to its: A. shape and size B. size and color ...
- This is classified as liquid connective tissue: A. saliva B. blood C. semen D. sweat ...
- Columnar cells can best be described as: A. flat and thin B. tall and wide ...
- The study of tissues is known as: A. histology B. proctology C. dermatology D. oncology ...
- Which type of tissue is this? A. Nervous B. ...
- Identify the picture A. Simple squamous B. Simple cuboidal ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Blood B. Simple cuboidal ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Simple Columnar B. Simple ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Simple columnar B. Simple ...
- Name the Tissue Type: A. Nervous B. Simple cuboidal ...
- What type of tissue is this? A. ...
- Epithelial tissue: A. conducts nerve impulses B. stores fat C. covers and lines body parts ...
- The word nano means: A. one millioneth B. one billioneth C. one thousandth D. one ...
- Nanotechnology allows the manipulation of atoms or molecules to create or modify materials at the ...
- The compounds and elements that are present at the beginning of a reaction: A. reactants ...
- What is nanotechnology? A. Study and manipulation of technology that is micro sized ...
- the solution which has pH less than 7 considered : A. acid B. ...
- cell phones power supply is an invention of which branch of chemistry: A. physical ...
- the substance whicch extracted from a natural resources or prepared in lab. is : ...
- An atom....... A. Is the smallest particle of an element that retains all the ...
- There are _____________ nanometers in a meter. A. 10 million B. 1 billion ...
- What is a buckyball? A. A carbon atom (C60) ...
- the correct method for measurement is : A. choose a suitable tool B. ...
- How wide is a nano-scale particle? A. 1cm B. 1-100nm C. 1mm ...
- one of the earliest applications of chemistry A. Medicine B. nanotechnology C. ...
- an organized structure of knowledge is the definition of : A. facts and concepts ...
- The study of living things; also known as life science A. endocrinology B. ...
- the science interesting in discovering substances with extra ordinary properties A. biochemistry ...
- Nanotubes are considered as Two-dimensional (2-D) nanomaterials A. Yes B. No
- What is the white and yellow fibres of the ...
- Which of these is not a function of epithelial tissue :- A. Coordination ...
- Which type of Epithelial cells help in the movement of solid particles (eg. mucus), through ...
- The size of the stem increases in the width ...
- The cells of cork are dead and have ______ in their walls that makes them ...
- Heart and intestinal muscles are :- A. Non-smooth muscles B. Voluntary muscles ...
- If a person has a dislocated bone , what could be the possible reason for ...
- The dead cells of Sclerenchyma posess a water-proof material ...
- The flexibility in plants is due to a tissue ...
- Determing the age of a tree, by counting the ...
- What is the branch of medicine devoted to the study of blood ? A. ...
- The matrix of cartilage has a delicate network of ...
- The branch of Biology that deals with the study of tissue is called :- ...
- In hydrophytic plants , what provides buoyancy ? A. Chlorenchyma B. Holenchyma ...
- Which hormones is secreted from the Testis? A. testosterone, progesterone B. progesterone ...
- The picture below best describes the activity of what ...
- Where are the adrenal glands located ? A. on top of the kidney B. in ...
- What is insulin's major role in the body? A. to raise blood sugar ...
- What effect does adrenaline have on the body? A. Causes heart and breathing rate to ...
- Which best describes the characteristics of a TARGET CELL? A. Cell that contains receptors for ...
- _________________ are the chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the bloodstream. A. Amino Acids ...
- The picture below best describes the activity of what ...
- Endocrine glands A. hormones secreted into blood B. glands secretes into blood ...
- What are the target organs of glucagon? A. Liver and pancreas B. Liver ...
- Which pituitary hormone is stimulated by the dehydration that occurs during and after exercise? A. ...
- Which of the following produces Calcitonin? A. Parafollicular cells B. Colloid C. ...
- Where are hormones produced (made) A. Glands B. Bloodstream C. Target organs
- What is another term for steroid hormones? A. Lipid Soluble B. Water Soluble C. Androgens ...
- The production of luteinising hormone stimulates the production of which hormone? A. progestrone B. gonadotrophin releasing ...
- What hormone is secreted from the ovaries ? A. oestrogen B. testosterone C. eggstrone D. ...
- Lack of thyroid hormone during development results in short stature and mental deficits A. ...
- What are the two hormones that control the menstrual cycle? A. Oestrogen and testosterone B. ...
- What hormone is responsible for the production of milk in the breast? A. prolactin B. ...
- Which of the following is not a hormone? A. Insulin B. TSH ...
- The pituitary is mostly controlled by: A. the pineal gland B. the thalamus C. the ...
- The lack of this hormone produces dilute Urine. A. ACTH B. ADH ...
- Which gland produces these hormones: Growth Hormone, Prolactin, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH? A. Anterior pituitary ...
- The pancreas produces _____ when your blood sugar level is low. A. GH ...
- Hormone that stimulates the bones to release calcium into blood. A. Calcitonin B. ...
- A protein hormone acts inside the cell: A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What is the stimulus for the release of prolactin? A. baby's head pushing on cervix ...
- Secreted in endocrine cells and remains in relation to plasma membrane; acts on immediately adjacent ...
- sugar in the blood A. euglycemia B. euthyroid C. glycemia D. ...
- resembling a normal thyroid gland A. euglycemia B. euthyroid C. glycemia ...
- resembling the cortex A. adrenocorticohyperplasia B. adrenopathy C. cortical D. corticoid ...
- excessive development of the adrenal cortex A. adrenocorticohyperplasia B. adrenopathy C. cortical ...
- disease of the adrenal gland A. adrenocorticohyperplasia B. adrenopathy C. cortical ...
- normal (level of) sugar in the blood A. euglycemia B. euthyroid C. ...
- excision of pancreas A. adrenalectomy B. pancreatectomy C. parathyroidectomy D. thyroidectomy ...
- excision of (one or both) parathyroid glands A. adrenalectomy B. pancreatectomy C. ...
- excision of (one or both) adrenal glands A. adrenalectomy B. pancreatectomy C. ...
- run together A. euglycemia B. euthyroid C. glycemia D. polydipsia ...
- pertaining to the cortex A. adrenocorticohyperplasia B. adrenopathy C. cortical D. ...
- excision of thyroid gland A. adrenalectomy B. pancreatectomy C. parathyroidectomy D. ...
- (any) disease of the endocrine (system) A. endocrinologist B. endocrinology C. endocrinopathy ...
- physician who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine (system) A. endocrinologist B. ...
- study of the endocrine (system) A. endocrinologist B. endocrinology C. endocrinopathy ...
- abnormal state of much thirst A. euglycemia B. euthyroid C. glycemia ...
- Seafood is a type of protein. A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Maybe
- The substances in food that your body needs to grow, have energy, and stay healthy ...
- Fiber is important for: A. Running B. White Teeth C. Digestion ...
- Fiber is a type of which nutrient? A. Non Caloric B. Protein C. Fat D. ...
- This nutrient helps keep your bones and teeth strong A. vitamins B. carbohydrates ...
- Macronutrients are made up of: A. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats B. Vitamins' A, ...
- When trying to ensure that you are getting all the proper nutrients, A. try ...
- What is the purpose of Carbohydrates? A. To make sure you sleep well B. To ...
- These help your body fight diseases A. protein B. carbohydrates C. vitamins ...
- To help our seleves to be healthy, Matt suggests: A. Run every single day ...
- Fish, nuts, oils and avocado are healthy sources of.... A. Fiber B. Protein C. Minerals ...
- True or False: Water is essential to every body function you have. A. TRUE ...
- Micro Nutrients are made up of Vitamins and Mints A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- No Food has every Vitamin or Mineral. This is why we need to eat a..... ...
- What is the purpose of Protein? A. It's a building block for muscles B. ...
- Vitamin C is important because... A. It keeps the immune system healthy B. ...
- The role of fibre is to A. Strengthen teeth and bones B. Keep ...
- Which fat is the healthiest fat to consume in your daily diet? A. Unsaturated Fat ...
- The root word ________ always refers to the heart A. cardi B. oste ...
- Word Roots are the A. Main idea or structure of the term B. ...
- Symbols are A. used in place of common words as a form of shorthand ...
- the suffix -logy, means A. Study of B. Specialist of C. Absence ...
- lways ad an _______ to any suffix beginning with r A. r B. ...
- Which word contains the word root meaning blood A. hematology B. melanoma ...
- Abbreviations are A. alright to use if using universally recognized abbreviations B. alright ...
- A root word must have a _______ to be complete term A. Suffix ...
- Spelling matters because A. a slight variation can mean something different B. people ...
- What is the correct breakdown of the word osteoarthritis A. oste/o/arthr/itis B. oste/o/arthritis ...
- A suffix is used to describe A. procedure, condition, disorder, disease B. date, ...
- Which prefix means fast A. hyper- B. brady- C. tachy- D. ...
- When writing a word root by itself, its combining form is used, which of the ...
- A word part is A. not a complete word B. is a complete ...
- If a _________ begins with a consonant, then _____ a combining vowel A. suffix, ...
- Latin words describe A. Anatomical Structures B. Anatomical Positions C. Anatomical Problems ...
- What is the proper word the following: hypo-, -emia, glyc/o, A. Hypoglycemia B. ...
- A prefix is used to describe A. Location, time, number, status B. Structure, ...
- The suffix ________ always refers to inflammation A. -itis B. -algia C. ...
- There can be only 1 word root per word A. No B. Yes ...
- Which group of blood cells play a role in the body's defense mechanism? A. ...
- By increasing heart rate, performing cardiovascular or aerobic exercises is essential for good health. ...
- Which letter labels the Right Ventricle? A. ...
- Which of the following blood vessels has a valve along its length? A. capillary ...
- The most common formed element is the erythrocyte. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- An unborn child of Rh+ mother and Rh- father is exposed to risks involving Rh ...
- Which letter in the illustration labels an AB blood ...
- The heart rate is a measure of the number of beats per minute. A. ...
- During cold weather and as part of the body's mechanism to conserve heat, which of ...
- Which artery supply blood to the cells and tissues in the brain and face? ...
- Which blood vessel deliver deoxygenated blood from the heart ...
- Blood clot (thrombus) that block coronary arteries and reduce block flow may result to ischemic ...
- Your nutrition affects your overall health. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Which nutrient supplies the most energy per gram? A. carbohydrates B. fats C. protein D. ...
- State the effect of deficiency of Vitamin K. A. Prolonged bleeding B. Night ...
- Diagram above show the human digestive system. Which of ...
- The amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down is measured in units called ...
- If a person has a deficiency in Calcium and causes soft bones, they may have... ...
- Food sample X is not digested in the mouth but is digested by the enzyme ...
- Which of the following organs produces gastric juice? A. Mouth B. Stomach ...
- What is the meaning of assimilation process? A. The distribution of the end products ...
- If a person has a deficiency in vitamin C, they may have... A. scurvy B. ...
- List below shows the calorific values of three types of food. rise - 15 ...
- Which of the following nutrients provides energy to the body? A. carbohydrates B. vitamins C. ...
- True or False. When reading a nutrition label it is important to know the serving ...
- Ashley is getting ready for her soccer game. Which nutrient will give her body the ...
- Which of the following statement about enzyme is correct? A. Enzyme are made up ...
- Below are the factors that influence the calorific requirement for an individual except? A. ...
- Which of the following is an example of a healthy snack? A. chips B. pop ...
- True or False. Carbohydrates are necessary to build muscle and other body parts. A. ...
- Benedict's test is used to test the presence of __________ A. Starch B. ...
- Which of the following are the end products of digestion? A. Glucose B. ...
- What is the variety of ecosystems that are present in the biosphere? A. species ...
- A large areas where vegetation, wildlife and environment are conserved to preserve the biological diversity ...
- Habitats can be preserved by... A. Reducing recycling B. Building more roads ...
- Animals or plants in danger of becoming extinct in the near future. A. ecosystem ...
- All the different types of living things on the planet is called... A. Biodiversity ...
- ______ ______ includes thing like minerals, fossil fuels, plants, animals, clean water, and solar energy. ...
- Biologists put extra effort into protecting these because they have many species living in them. ...
- Species that are only found in a specific geographic area are _______. A. Introduced species ...
- What is poaching? A. when people hunt wild animals illegally B. eating wild ...
- the breaking of habitats into smaller pieces is called... A. habitat division B. ...
- What is THE most major cause of extinction today? A. habitat destruction by humans B. ...
- Extinction rates are significantly __________ in recent decades than before. A. Lower B. Higher ...
- What is a habitat? A. It's an artificial area where wildlife lives B. ...
- The practice of harvesting or hunting to such a degree that remaining individuals may not ...
- The place where both natural vegetation and wildlife both are preserved A. Wildlife sanctuary ...
- Which habitat exhibits the greatest biodiversity? A. A habitat with 15 different species with ...
- What is the variety of genes present? A. bidiversity B. species diversity C. extinction D. ...
- The number of different species and the abundance of each species in a biological community. ...
- What is Conservation? A. Protection of environment from climate change B. Protection of ...
- Who is Gregor Mendel A. an Austrian Monk from the mid 1800s who contributed ...
- If B = brown hair and b = blonde ...
- G = green, g = yellow The genotype for a yellow plant is... A. GG ...
- What percentage of the female offspring will be a ...
- What is a phenotype A. The genetic make up (code) B. The physical trait ...
- What kind of genotype has 2 recessive alleles ...
- Which of the following is NOT a genotype? A. heterozygous B. a trait C. Bb ...
- If a trait shows up more commonly in men than women it is probably A. ...
- Aa, DD, bB, yy are all examples of A. genotypes B. phenotypes
- Compared to the number of chromosomes contained in a body cell, how many chromosomes would ...
- This type of phenotype is less likely to be prominent in offspring A. Dominant genotype ...
- A ________________________ is used to predict the possible genotype ...
- Females have ____ and males have _____ chromosomes. A. XX, XY B. XY, XX C. ...
- Colorblindness is a sex-linked recessive disorder. A normal woman whose father was colorblind marries a ...
- The chromosomes that pair up during meiosis, are called __________ chromosomes. A. homozygous B. ...
- Heterozygous is when... A. the alleles are the same B. the alleles are different C. ...
- If a gene is found only on the X ...
- Which of the following genotypes belongs in the red ...
- What causes genetic variation in meiosis? A. chromosomes lining up B. crossing over of chromosomes ...
- Mendel's Law of Segregation means? A. Every person has two alleles for each trait, ...
- A human usually has ______ chromosomes in their body cells. A. 6 B. 22 C. ...
- What is one reason why we need meiosis? A. To double the number of chromosomes ...
- Which of the following alleles is homozygous (purebred) recessive? A. Tt B. tt C. TT ...
- Which of the following genotypes is homozygous dominant? A. A B. Aa C. AA D. ...
- When we say that a woman is a carrier ...
- Is it possible for a man to express an X linked trait, and why or ...
- Why were pea plants perfect a study on Heredity? A. Pea plants were easy ...
- What is it called when a sperm and egg meet? A. meiosis B. fertilization C. ...
- What is the probability of heterozygous offspring? A. 25% ...
- Colorblindness is a sex-linked recessive disorder. If the daughter of a couple is colorblind, what ...
- What was Mendel's first conclusion? A. Pea plants were inheriting a pair of genetic ...
- Recessive alleles are- A. capital B. lowercase C. both D. neither
- A male shark has 40 chromosomes in each of its sex cells. How many would ...
- What do we call the table used to calculate the probability of an offspring's genotype? ...
- which choice best represents the genotype of this cross? ...
- Two brown eyed parents (Bb) have a baby. What is the chance the baby is ...
- A human being has a somatic cell that has 46 chromosomes. What is the haploid ...
- Diploid Cells are represented by A. 2n B. n C. 4n D. 1/2 n ...
- What allele combination should go in the missing box? ...
- How many daughter cells are produced at the end of meiosis? A. 1 B. 2 ...
- The sex of a child is determined by A. whether the father's sperm contains an ...
- Males are more likely to suffer from a sex-linked disease or disorder because A. males ...
- What did Mendel call the two kinds of traits exhibited by the pea plants (one ...
- In a heterozygous genotype, the ___________ allele takes over in the phenotype. A. recessive B. ...
- Gregor Mendel's parent generations (P) were True Breeding. This means that they were... A. ...
- What did Gregor Mendel study? A. Mold Spores B. Pea Plants C. ...
- Crossing over helps promote A. male genotype B. genetic variation C. DNA replication D. mitosis ...
- What ratio of the offspring from the cross shown ...
- Is it possible for a female to express a Y-Linked trait, and why or why ...
- Dominant alleles are- A. capital B. lowercase C. both D. neither
- Hemophilia is a recessive x-linked disorder. Which genotype represents afemale who is ...
- What is the phenotype of the offspring? (A-Brown hair; ...
- What is Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment? A. If the recessive allele is passed ...
- What do we call the result of the genotype (for example, the color of the ...
- What specifically about Pea Plants did Mendel Study? A. Color of Pea Flower ...
- This phenotype is more likely to be prominent in offspring A. Genotype B. Dominant genotyp ...
- The study of the feet is called ________________. A. Orthopedics B. Pathology ...
- The study of the body's resistance to resistance is ___________. A. Immunology B. ...
- ____________ deals with the urinary and male reproductive systems. A. Gross Anatomy B. ...
- The study of older individuals and their problems is called ______________ A. Pediatrics ...
- The study of the skin and skin diseases A. Cytology B. Histology ...
- The study of the nervous system is A. Psychiatry B. Psychology C. ...
- The study of tissues is A. Cytology B. Histology C. Embryology ...
- The study of the heart and associated vessels is called A. pulmonology B. ...
- The study of cancers is called ________________. A. Orthopedics B. Pathology C. ...
- The branch of medicine dealing with the muscular and skeletal systems is called _______________. ...
- _____________ is the study of blood. A. Cardiology B. Hematology C. Neurology ...
- _____________ deals with pregnancy and birth A. Gynecology B. Oncology C. Obstetrics ...
- The study of older individuals and their problems A. Gastroenterology B. Neonatology ...
- __________ is the study of poisonous or toxic substances. A. Pharmacology B. Pathology ...
- ____________ is the study of the eye A. Optometry B. Orthopedics C. ...
- The study of x-rays is _______________. A. Orthopedics B. Radiology C. Podiatry ...
- The study of disease is called _______________ A. Podiatry B. Psychiatry C. ...
- _________ is the study of the ear, larynx, and throat. A. Ophthalmology B. ...
- The branch of medicine of that deals with children A. Neonatology B. Geriatrics ...
- ___________ is the study of the female reproductive system. A. Obstetrics B. Urology ...
- _______________ is the study of the kidneys A. Cytology B. Nephrology C. ...
- ____________ deals with the study of drugs. A. Pharmacology B. Pharmacy C. ...
- ___________ is the study of newborn infants. A. Pediatrics B. Geriatrics C. ...
- ___________ is defined as body structures visible to the naked eye and is also the ...
- The study of the stomach and the intestines is referred to as __________________ A. ...
- The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the mind. A. Psychology ...
- What specialist treats kidney diseases? A. Neurologist B. Neuropathologist C. Urologist ...
- What is the length of the ureter? A. About 1 meter B. About ...
- What shape does the kidney have? A. Almond B. Triangular C. Bean ...
- Cuplike divisions in the renal pelvis are called ... A. alveoli B. nephtons ...
- This function the urinary system doesn't fulfill. A. Control of the volume of blood ...
- What does the urinary bladder serve for? A. Temporary collection of urine B. ...
- What science studies the functions and diseases of the organs of the urinary system? ...
- What organ doesn’t belong to the urinary system? A. Kidney B. Bladder ...
- What department are patients with urinary disorders treated in? A. Surgical B. Urological ...
- With what can kidney be compared according to its function? A. Sponge B. ...
- Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by two thin tubes called ... ...
- What regulates the work of the kidney? A. Hormones B. Hypothalamus C. ...
- What is the structural unit of the kidney? A. Urine B. Nephron ...
- Where is the bladder situated? A. Under the stomach B. Under the liver ...
- Where are the kidneys situated? A. In the cranium B. Behind the abdominal ...
- What is the study that deals with hormones and hormone secretion? A. pharmacology ...
- The crural region is what area of the body? A. thigh B. knee ...
- The neck is referred to as what region? A. cervical region B. oral ...
- What is the study that deals with pregnancy and childbirth? A. cardiology B. ...
- What do the initials R.N. stand for? A. Registered Nurse B. Registered Nursing ...
- What do the initials D.M.D mean? A. donor of organs B. doctor of ...
- What do the initials O.T. mean? A. orderly B. occupational therapist C. ...
- The ankle is known as what region ? A. tarsal region B. petellar ...
- The foot is known as what region ? A. pedal region B. tarsal ...
- What do the intials P.A. stand for? A. physical aid B. physician assitant ...
- The shoulder is known as what region ? A. patellar region B. femoral ...
- What is the study of drugs and their uses in treatment of disease? A. ...
- What region is known as the eye? A. cephalic B. orbital C. ...
- What part of the body is the sternal region? A. abdomen B. hip ...
- The mammary region is known as the... A. chest B. breast C. ...
- Which region is NOT known for the eye? A. nasal region B. orbital ...
- The cheek is know as that region? A. oral B. buccal C. ...
- What is the study that deals with nervous system disorders? A. toxicology B. ...
- Which is not used to describe the toes? A. digital region B. patellar ...
- The forehead is known as what region ? A. cranial B. frontal ...
- The groin area is know as the ,, , A. coxal region B. ...
- The big toe is know as what? A. pollex B. hallux C. ...
- What region is known as the head? A. buccal B. orital C. ...
- What region is known as the mouth? A. oral B. cervical C. ...
- which is NOT known for the ears? A. auricle B. otic C. ...
- The umbilicus is known as what area? A. chest B. genitals C. ...
- The hip area is known as the ... A. pubic region B. frontal ...
- What is the study that deal with skin disorders? A. oncology B. pathology ...
- Another femoral region is know for what part of the body? A. knee ...
- What is the study that deals with care and treatment of the feet? A. ...
- The gentials are known as what region? A. pubic region B. tarsal region ...
- What do the initials E.M.T stand for? A. Emergency services B. Emergency medical ...
- The mental is known as what area of the body? A. oral region ...
- What region is known for the chest area? A. otic B. cervical ...
- What is the study that deals with body's resistance to infectious diseases? A. pharmacology ...
- What term describes a condition that requires avoiding certain treatments, procedures, or products to prevent ...
- Without a through understanding of ________, Cosmetologists could damage hair, cause hair loss, and harm ...
- Where should you start the application of the chemical relaxer, often considered the most resistant ...
- The nail of the middle finger grows fastest and the thumbnail grows the slowest. ...
- What type of skin appears shiny or greasy from clogged, dead cells in the follicle? ...
- The _______ uses only one end paper, placed over the top of the hair strand. ...
- The range of numbers used in the ph scale is _________. A. 0 to ...
- The difference between open and closed comedones is the size of the follicle opening, called ...
- What is a light, continuous, stroking movement with the fingers or palms? A. Fulling ...
- What is the most common type of perm rod? A. Curved B. Concave ...
- What is the second factor in the overall strength of the waving solution? A. ...
- A Licensed cosmetologist is allowed to work on clients with nail disorders. A. TRUE ...
- What is the medical term to describe dandruff? A. Alopecia B. Selenium ...
- Clients with skin abnormalities, open sores, or fever blisters should be referred to a/an. ...
- ______ often found in home haircoloring products, leave a coating on the hair that may ...
- The _________ uses only one end paper folded in half over hair ends like an ...
- The process that stops the action of permanent wave solution and rebuilds the hair into ...
- Nail polish is applied to the __________. A. Ligament B. Eponychium C. ...
- What is the medical term for ringworm? A. Tinea B. Furuncle C. ...
- A/an, also known as a facial treatment, is a professional skin treatment that improves the ...
- The basic antibody unit is composed of A. 2 identical heavy chains and 2 ...
- An inflammation reaction involves the A. release of histamines. B. agglutination of bacteria. ...
- Explain the figure. A. Viral load decreases ...
- ______ are large cluster of lymphatic cells found in the pharynx A. adenoids ...
- An underactive or overactive immune system can cause health issues A. TRUE B. ...
- The first line of localized defense of the immune system is: A. lymphatic response ...
- A small injected dose of a pathogen that stimulates the production of antibodies is: A. ...
- A T lymphocyte which has not encountered an antigen yet A. Novice B. ...
- This reaction may cause sneezing, watery eyes, and cough in response to a foreign substance: ...
- The first line of defense against antigen is the _________ system. A. respiratory B. digestive ...
- The graph shows the antibody levels in the blood ...
- Signs of an inflammatory reaction include redness, swelling, heat, and itch. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- A type of cell that digests pathogens is known as a/an: A. helper T cell ...
- This reaction may cause sneezing, watery eyes, and cough in response to a foreign substance: ...
- Your immune system is also found in the skin? A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- The CD4 is present as part of -------------- in T lymphocytes A. CD28 R ...
- When a virus invades a living cell, its _______ takes over the cell's functions. A. ...
- ____________ are classified by their shape. A. Bacteria B. Flagella C. Protists D. Paramecium ...
- Phycology is the study of... A. fish B. fungi C. bacteria ...
- Which is NOT a groups used to classify parasites? A. protozoa B. bacteriophage ...
- What is ring worm caused by? A. Virus B. Bacteria C. Fungi ...
- Ringworm is caused by which pathogen? A. Bacteria B. Virus C. Protist D. Fungi ...
- Which two examples below are helpful bacteria? A. Medicine and Cherry Coke B. Yogurt and ...
- An organism that lives on or in a host, and causes it harm while it ...
- Mycology is the study of.... A. fungi B. bacteria C. viruses ...
- A tapeworm lives in the intestines of its host. Which example best describes the relationship ...
- Microorganism that reproduces in the cells of other living things. A. virus B. ...
- What are some examples of food made by fungi A. Bread B. Cheese C. Mushrooms ...
- Which disease is caused by bacteria? A. Tuberculosis B. Cancer C. Ringworm ...
- Bacteria come in all of the following shapes EXCEPT which? A. spiral B. rod-like C. ...
- Viruses multiply: A. By conjungation B. By taking over a cell's functions C. By binary ...
- Most bacteria are A. Harmful B. Helpful C. Begnin D. Cancer ...
- What is the main purpose of the immune system? A. support the body through bones ...
- Which is an example of a disease caused by fungi A. Diphtheria B. The Common ...
- Who can we thank for discovering parasites? A. Oprah Winfrey B. Louis Pasteur ...
- Organism that must live in another living thing in order to survive. A. virus ...
- Immunology is the study of... A. the immune system B. bacteria C. ...
- Who discovered Cell mediated immunity? A. Metchnikoff B. George Nuttal C. Pfeiffer ...
- Who discovered antibiotic Penicillin? A. David Allman B. Alexander flemming C. Robert ...
- Who discovered attenuated vaccine? A. Edward jenner B. Louis Pasteur C. Almorth ...
- Who discovered Interferon? A. Isaacs & Lindenmann B. Karl Landsteiner C. Murray ...
- What are Haptens? A. Antigens B. Antibodies C. Carrier Molecules
- Who disproved Cellular and Humoral Theory ? A. Almorth Wright B. Pasteur ...
- Pfeiffer phenomenon A. 1894 B. 1983 C. 1943
- Who proposed side chain hypothesis? A. Paul Ehrlich B. Robert koch C. ...
- Other name of Cow pox virus ? A. Vaccinia B. Small pox ...
- Father of Immunology A. Edward Jenner B. Louis Pasteur C. Emil Von ...
- Who discovered Complement system? A. Bordet B. Charles Richet C. Paul Ehrlich ...
- Who proposed clonal selection theory? A. Widal B. Burnet C. Blobel ...
- protein derived from Mycobacterium? A. Antibodies B. Pepsin C. Tuberculin
- who was awarded Nobel prize for work on Anaphylaxis? A. Edward jenner B. ...
- An antibody that attaches to cellular or particulate antigen and prepares for phagocytosis is known ...
- The spontaneous break-down of cells as they self-digest. A. Decomposition B. Algor Mortis ...
- Is every town required to have a medical examiner? A. Yes, or else crimes ...
- bleeding to death A. decomposition B. autopsy C. asphyxiation D. exsanguinations
- What is the irreversible cessation of circulation of blood and brain activity? A. death ...
- One of five means by which someone dies. A. Mechanism of death B. ...
- Which stage of death describes the paleness of the skin? A. rigor mortis ...
- The cooling of the body after death. A. Autolysis B. Algor Mortis ...
- The specific body failure that leads to death. A. Manner of death B. ...
- How quickly does pallor mortis set in? A. 5-10 minutes B. 1-3 hours ...
- Which mechanism of death means that the victim had an infection in their bloodstream? ...
- death from a lack of oxygen A. decomposition B. exsanguinations C. putrefaction D. asphyxiation ...
- The immediate reason for a person's death. A. Forensic Entomology B. Cause of ...
- refers to an underlying cause of death, as opposed to the final cause. A. pupa ...
- It is the site of gaseous exchange in human lungs. A. villi B. ...
- Functional units of food absorption are- A. VILLI B. STOMACH C. LIVER D. FOOD PIPE ...
- ______________ artery carries deoxygenated blood. A. aortic B. pulmonary C. renal ...
- The continuous contractions and relaxations of the digestive organs is called A. peristalsis ...
- It is the site of gaseous exchange in human lungs. A. villi B. ...
- What are the products of photosynthesis? A. Carbon dioxide and water B. Carbon dioxide and ...
- the human body produces hormones, vitamins, proteins, enzymes, etc. to keep it functioning. A. ...
- What does the chemical formula C6H12O6 represent? A. Oxygen B. Carbon dioxide C. Hydroxide ...
- In unicellular organisms like amoeba gaseous exchange takes place through the process of ____________. ...
- Glycolysis takes place in the __________ of the cell. A. mitochondria B. ribosomes ...
- The substance in plants and animals that act as an energy currency. A. DNA ...
- Living things need air to breathe. Which characteristics related to this statement A. Movement ...
- The trachea divides into two smaller tubes called ______. A. Trachea B. Bronchi C. Alveoli ...
- Only partial breakdown of glucose molecule (C6H12O6) takes place in- A. active respiration B. ...
- ____________ is the final product of glycolysis. A. carbon dioxide B. ATP ...
- One of the following is not an enzyme of digestive system. A. PEPSIN B. LIPASE C. TRYPSIN ...
- _______ artery carries deoxygenated blood. A. aortic B. pulmonary C. renal ...
- The cells utilize glucose to produce energy A. Nutrition B. Excretion C. ...
- Which of the following is the correct equation for PHOTOSYNTHESIS?a. 6CO2+ 6H2O --> 6O2+ ...
- Normal systolic pressure in humans is- A. 80mmHg B. 120mmHg C. 150mmHg D. 40mmHg
- chloroplasts are present in the ___________ of the leaf. A. palisade parenchyma B. ...
- The valve present between right atrium and right ventricle. A. tricuspid B. bicuspid ...
- The main nitrogen-containing waste excreted in urine by humans is A. AMMONIA B. UREA C. ...
- Animal don't produce their own food.They can eat meat and plant. What is the category ...
- In which organelle (part of the cell) does photosynthesis ...
- Waste products are eliminated during perspiration. A. Circulation B. Homeostasis C. Excretion ...
- The basic functional unit of human kidney is- A. NEPHRON B. SYNAPSE C. NEURON D. ...
- A risk is.... A. something dangerous B. something healthy C. something difficult ...
- True or False: Diseases are ONLY caused by germs. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- A person's pattern of living, what they do everyday and the choices they make ...
- True or false: Nutrition is the science of how your body takes in and uses ...
- events or demands that cause you to feel upset or anxioyus A. optimal ...
- What is another word for best A. personality B. optimal C. environment ...
- Having a healthy body and a healthy mind overall. A. lifestyle B. culture ...
- If someone describes you as a funny and happy person, this is an example of ...
- What is an example of something found in American culture? A. oceans with many ...
- Self esteem is how a person feels about A. others B. junk food ...
- a person's eye color is an example of something they got through____ A. culture ...
- The form of an inherited trait that masks the other form of the same trait. ...
- What did Gregor Mendel use to discover the principles that rule heredity? A. Pea Plant ...
- The hidden form of an inherited trait A. dominant trait B. recessive trait C. purebred ...
- If most human offspring receive 23 chromosomes from the mother, how many chromosomes do they ...
- A physical characteristic that can be passed from parent to offspring. A. behavior B. trait ...
- The exact genetic makeup of an organism, such as RR, Tt, PP is its? A. ...
- The passing of inherited traits from parents to offspring A. acquired traits B. inherited traits ...
- When parents with different traits are bred, a trait that reappears in the second generation ...
- Which of the following is NOT a trait you can inherit? A. your athletic ability ...
- One of the threadlike structures in the nucleus of a cell that contain directions for ...
- The study of Heredity A. science B. genetics C. english D. gene
- True or False: Self pollination is when a male plant and a female plant cross ...
- Genotype or Phenotype: Freckles A. Genotype B. Phenotype
- If a true-breeding male plant with wrinkled seeds (ww) is crossed with a true-breeding female ...
- There are usually 46 chromosomes in a human A. sperm cell. B. egg cell. C. ...
- Who is considered the father of modern genetics? A. Einstein B. Mendel ...
- The more prevalent form of the gene, written as a capitol letter. Ex. A ...
- What are small stretches of DNA that code for traits A. Nucleus B. Chromosomes C. ...
- What type of square helps us solve genetic problems? A. carpenter square B. Mendel square ...
- Y for yellow body is dominant over y for blue body. What alleles would produce ...
- A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring A. inherited trait B. chromosome C. ...
- Deoxyribonucleic acid, a long, complex molecule that controls heredity A. inherited trait B. chromosome C. ...
- This phenotype is more likely to be prominent in offspring A. Genotype B. Dominant genotyp ...
- The passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring is called A. cross-pollination B. cross-breeding ...
- Genotype or Phenotype: Black hair A. Phenotype B. Genotype
- What kind of traits seem to disappear in the first generation? A. genotypes B. phenotypes ...
- Where is all the genetic information in a cell? A. Nucleus B. Nucleotides C. Chromosomes ...
- This type of phenotype is less likely to be prominent in offspring A. Dominant genotype ...
- What did Mendel call the two kinds of traits exhibited by the pea plants (one ...
- Sperm from one plant fertilizes the eggs of the same plant in A. cross-pollination B. ...
- When you cross two parents, each parent is responsible for passing _______ of their two ...
- What is one internal environmental condition that can influence a person’s height? A. age B. ...
- Organisms that have inherited two different forms of the same trait, one from each parent ...
- Genetics is the study of A. anatomy B. heredity C. cardiology ...
- The physical look or the organism, such as brown eyes A. genotype B. ...
- When a plant self-pollinates and all offspring have the same trait as the parent, it ...
- Genotype or Phenotype: ff A. Genotype B. Phenotype
- True or False: Mendel used pea plants because they grow quickly and have distinctly different ...
- The Great White Shark was 20 feet in length. Phenotype or Genotype? A. phenotype B. ...
- What is the relationship between DNA and chromosomes? A. Chromosomes are made of DNA B. ...
- How much of your DNA do you inherit from your mom? A. 10% B. 25% ...
- Nutrients that provide raw materials for growth and tissue repair A. Fats B. ...
- Energy-containing nutrients that include sugars and starch A. Carbohydrates B. Minerals C. ...
- What are the six types of nutrients your body needs to carry out all its ...
- How does calcium help our body? A. Builds muscle B. Helps eyesight C. Develops red ...
- It is a serious condition that happens when a person’s diet does not contain the ...
- What nutrient keeps our bodies hydrated? A. Vitamins and Minerals B. Protein C. Water D. ...
- Which nutrient helps you feel full and also helps with digestion? A. Fats B. Sugar ...
- What is a goiter? A. An enlarged thyroid gland B. A vitamin C ...
- Calcium, Sodium, and Fluoride are examples of ________? A. Minerals B. Vitamins C. Fruits D. ...
- Your body needs ________ for growth and repair A. carbohydrates B. protein C. calories D. ...
- What is kwashiorkor caused by? A. Severe malnutrition B. Overnutrition C. Junk ...
- Small, linked units that are not made by living things A. Minerals B. ...
- _________ are a major source of energy and can come from bread, pasta, potato, and ...
- identify three reasons why your body needs food A. to understand nutrition B. ...
- If a person has a deficiency in Iron, they may have... A. scurvy B. Rickets ...
- A disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) A. Obesity ...
- One of the first signs of a vitamin A deficiency is: A. dry skin B. ...
- A sugar that is a major source of energy for the bod's cells A. ...
- What do we call structures that no longer perform ...
- Which of the following statements best describes what will ...
- What can happen to a species over time if some of the organisms have an ...
- When an organism of a species has an adaptation, it will compete for resources better, ...
- When an organism has a trait that makes it resemble another species, either in looks ...
- An owl is mostly nocturnal meaning it hunts and is active at night. A. Behavioral ...
- A population of rabbits grows rapidly from one year to the next. Then one year, ...
- Darwin said that within a species there will be _________________________ A. nothing different B. variation/differences ...
- The graphs below show the changes in crab color ...
- A Viceroy butterfly looking like a bright colored poisonous Monarch butterfly is an example of __________. ...
- The environment around Manchester, England, changed during the Industrial Revolution. How did this change affect ...
- When an organism has a trait that allows it to blend in with its environment, ...
- When an animal looks like another animal it is called ______________. A. camouflage B. mimicry ...
- Suppose a certain species of insect lives in the lush green canopy of the rain ...
- What is the most likely explanation of the data ...
- When an environment changes faster that an species can adapt, the most likely outcome is... ...
- Survival of the fittest or when favorable adaptations reproduce faster is called what? A. Evolution ...
- This makes an organism more suited to its enviornment A. species B. lifespan C. adaptation ...
- The white feathers of a snowy owl allow it to blend in with its environment ...
- The trees these moths used to live on were ...
- Natural selection is best described as A. a change in an organism in response to ...
- Which of the following is NOT an example of natural selection? A. People selectively breeding ...
- How do adaptations help animals? A. To escape animals B. to hunt for food C. ...
- These moths are all the same species. The differences ...
- Horse ancestors had individual toes/paws. Why don't we see horses with individual toes/paws anymore? ...
- Based on the cladogram shown, which species’ DNA would you predict is most similar to ...
- Why is the mouse population changing over time? A. ...
- Anything that helps an animal survive in its environment. A. counter-shading B. mimicry C. adaptation ...
- What would indicate that a series of different fossils showed the evolution of a species? ...
- Darwin said that the number of offspring an organism has ___________________ A. stays the same ...
- Which of the following is NOT considered evidence of evolution? A. similar DNA B. similar ...
- ________ enable an organism to survive in its environment. A. adaptations B. natural selections C. ...
- ____________ is when an animal blends into its environment. A. camouflage B. mimicry C. warning ...
- If an organism has a vestigial structure, that structure likely once had a function in ...
- The English naturalist that developed the theory of how evolution works. A. Charles Darwin B. ...
- _________ is when an animal stands out in its environment. A. warning coloration B. mimicry ...
- Ostrich wings are examples of A. homologous structures B. vestigial structures C. adaptations D. traits ...
- The colors & patterns on a turtles shell help ...
- Extinction can occur because of which of the following? A. All can be causes of ...
- A remnant or trace of an organism from the past is called a _______. A. ...
- These cause variations. A. mutations B. adaptations C. a desire to change D. injuries ...
- The praying mantis looks very much like a blade ...
- When organisms are better adapted to their environment they will survive and reproduce more successfully ...
- ____________ is the process by which populations change in response to their environment. A. natural ...
- Why are advantageous traits more likely to be passed onto offspring? A. Because they are ...
- Which of these is an example of natural selection? A. The largest animal in a ...
- Evolution typically happens... A. in a few weeks B. over millions of years C. never ...
- Which term refers to the process by which individuals that are better suited to the ...
- If species A and B have very similar genes and proteins, what is probably TRUE? ...
- What might account for the fact that all of ...
- Change in a species over time (many generations) is A. evolution B. generation ...
- A physical or behavioral trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment ...
- Organisms with differences/variations that are helpful will ______________________ A. live longer B. become extinct C. ...
- Mutations are important because they bring about A. death of the organism in which they ...
- Which of the following explains adaptation. A. An individual organism changes to meet its needs ...
- The different types of bird beaks in different species of birds is known as A. ...
- Evolution works by A. individuals changing to suit their environment B. Individuals learned new traits ...
- Which occurrence represents an example of evolution? A. Exposure to radiation reduces the rate of ...
- This particle determines what element you have - the elements identity. A. electron B. proton ...
- What makes something radioactive? A. elements with an atomic number above 81 B. an unstable ...
- Which particles make up the nucleus of an atom? A. protons and neutrons B. electrons ...
- What particle is released when an unstable isotope undergoes alpha radiation? A. a helium ...
- What is the number of protons that the element ...
- An isotope of an element has the same number ...
- A radioactive nuclide has a ____ stable nucleus than a non-radioactive nucleus of the same ...
- Where does radioactivity have application in our lives? A. Medicine B. Energy (electricity) C. Agriculture ...
- In order of most to least penetrating radiation we have A. Alpha , Beta, Gamma ...
- Which type of radiation releases an electron? A. Alpha radiation B. Beta radiation ...
- An element with a mass number of 11 and an atomic number of 5 has ...
- What are the main parts of a plant? A. buds and leaves B. ...
- What part of the plant is #3? A. leaf ...
- Select an edible leaf A. Cabbage B. Mango leaf C. Banana leaf ...
- Collecting and dumping fallen leaves with kitchen waste in a pit covered with soil forms ...
- Which leaf I can use to build a roof? A. lettuce B. coconut ...
- Leaves use the suns light to make _____ ? A. petals B. sunflowers ...
- This leaf can be used as medicine. A. guava B. coconut C. ...
- leaves of -----------plant are used in curing cough, cold A. tulsi B. rose ...
- Leaves of ______ plant are used to give aroma to the food? A. Mint ...
- Which is kitchen of plant A. Stem B. Flower C. Root ...
- Center vein of leaves A. Midrib B. Petiole C. Side vein ...
- ---------plays a key role in preparing food for the plant A. stem ...
- Name that population pyramid... A. Exponential Growth B. Developing ...
- What is the approximate population of men age 65-69 ...
- The number of individuals per unit area. A. distribution B. carrying capacity ...
- Which of the following would not be an example of a density independent factor? ...
- If the number of births in a population is the same as the number of ...
- This is the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment. A. Biology ...
- Why has the world population dramatically increased? A. Better medicine B. Better sanitation C. Better ...
- What does the graph represent? A. Emigration B. Exponential ...
- Factors like predation can have a positive benefit to the population of prey organisms because ...
- When a population continues to grow at a fast rate. A. Exponential Growth ...
- Predation, disease and competition are examples of ………………………factors. A. density-independent B. dispersal ...
- What type of distribution pattern is evenly spaced apart ...
- Human population grew exponentially after the industrial revolution. Which of the following DOES NOT help ...
- an advancement that enabled humans to live longer healthier lives A. airplanes B. ...
- Logistic growth has 3 phases. In Phase 1, the population grows rapidly. In Phase 2, ...
- Which limiting factor is independent of the number of individuals in a population? A. competition ...
- Human population grew exponentially after the industrial revolution. Which of the following DOES NOT help ...
- Describes how the organisms are spread out from one another. A. Denisty B. ...
- When a population grows past the ecosystem's carrying capacity, ...
- What point on the graph represents the carrying capacity? ...
- At carrying capacity, a population __________. A. increases rapidly B. increases slowly ...
- This means that the population is limited to the carrying capacity of its habitat. ...
- Which kind of growth does the human population follow? It is described as a J-shaped ...
- When a country's population is starting to grow older and live longer what becomes their ...
- Limiting factors that depend on the density of the population. A. Density Dependent Limiting ...
- Humans have been on an exponential growth curve since the... A. Industrial Revolution ...
- Which choice most closely approximates the deer population's carrying ...
- What are the three types of distribution patterns? A. uniform, clumped, random B. ...
- Name that population pyramid? A. Stable Growth B. Developing ...
- In a forest ecosystem, which of the following is ...
- What kind of growth does this countries population pyramid ...
- Demography is the study of: A. world economic conditions B. mountains and other physical features ...
- The largest number of individuals that an area can support. A. carrying limit ...
- A population is... A. A group of one species in one area B. Multiple species ...
- You are monitoring four populations of elk. Which has the highest density? A. You ...
- True or False: Limiting factors can be population dependent and population independent. A. True/Cierto B. ...
- What does the graph represent? A. Emigration B. Exponential ...
- The diagram above represents three populations of an endangered ...
- Which of the following is TRUE of predator/prey relationships? A. The amount of prey does ...
- Name that population pyramid... A. Rapid Growth B. Industrialized ...
- Which of the following is a density-independent limiting factor? A. natural disaster B. predation C. ...
- What is the carrying capacity for this sheep population? ...
- What factor describes when populations decrease because animals are moving out of a population? A. ...
- As a population of a species increases within a territory, which of the following most ...
- What factor describes when populations increase because animals are moving into a population? A. Emigration ...
- What is one characteristic evident in this population pyramid ...
- Number of organisms per unit area A. Natality B. Mortality C. Fertility D. Density ...
- Which limiting factor would increase due to the number of individuals in a population? A. ...
- Any factor(s) that controls/ limits the size of a population. A. Density dependent limiting ...
- This is the most commonly seen distribution pattern. Example: ...
- According to the graph, which age group is the ...
- Dr. McDonald helps people who get rashes on their skin. What did he study in ...
- Bruce would get the Mr. Friendly award. He loves being with people. What would he ...
- Jasmine loves to figure things out. She likes to learn about the brain. What would ...
- Dr. Olson enjoys studying ancient humans and how they have changed and adapted over the ...
- Danielle likes to study how living things survive. What might she enjoy studying in college? ...
- Rachel loves rocks, minerals, and gems. What might she study in college? A. geology ...
- Alyssa loves animals. What might she study in college? A. zoology B. cardiology ...
- Brad loves nature and the environment. What might he study in college? A. ecology ...
- Mr. Sharpee graduated from college with a degree that states he is an expert at ...
- Sam's dad is a heart surgeon. Sam wants to be just like him. What should ...
- A person who studies geology would have a hard time if he or she had ...
- fear of cats A. ailurophobia B. acrophobia C. hydrophobia D. zoophobia ...
- fear of blood A. hemophobia B. acrophobia C. ornithophobia D. ailurophobia ...
- What does inter mean? A. go inside B. into C. to be ...
- fear of strangers or foreigners A. xenophobia B. acrophobia C. zoophobia ...
- the study of the environment A. ecology B. geology C. anthropology ...
- the study of handwriting and how it relates to a person's character A. graphology ...
- fear of birds A. ornithophobia B. hydrophobia C. ailurophobia D. photophobia ...
- What is an antonym of phobia? A. Brave B. Congregate C. Hiatus D. Lollygag ...
- What word means the study of the mind or behavior? A. dermatology B. ...
- What does the suffix -ology mean? A. one B. study of C. ...
- What does the suffix -ologist mean? A. person who studies B. life ...
- The book titled The Earth Explored would probably be interesting to a person who studies ...
- A psychologist is someone who studies _______. A. the mind B. the environment ...
- What does circum mean? A. circumference B. into C. around D. ...
- The study of living things is called _________. A. biodegradable B. claustrophobe ...
- What does the root bio mean? A. life B. one C. heat ...
- the study of life and living things A. biology B. dermatology C. ...
- An _______________ professor from a local college spoke to my middle school students about the ...
- fear of animals A. zoophobia B. ailurophobia C. ornithophobia D. arachnophobia ...
- What does the suffix -phobia mean? A. study of B. life C. ...
- Which is a synonym for Phobia? A. Fear B. Brave C. Fast D. Loud ...
- The student was very interested in studying the environment, so the teacher recommended that she ...
- What does derma mean in the word dermatology? A. bones B. teeth C. heart D. ...
- fear of high places A. ornithophobia B. hemophobia C. ailurophobia D. ...
- the study of the skin A. dermatology B. graphology C. psychology ...
- An abnormal fear of water is called _____________. A. hydrophobia B. acrophobia ...
- the study of humans A. anthropology B. dermatology C. graphology D. ...
- What does the suffix -ology mean? A. fear of B. study of C. love of ...
- fear of light A. photophobia B. arachnophobia C. acrophobia D. xenophobia ...
- A nurse in the cardiology department is typically very knowledgeable about what organ in the ...
- A biohazard is good for the environment and humans. True or false? A. TRUE ...
- What does syn/sym mean? A. same B. study of C. to be ...
- What does graph most likely mean in the word graphology? A. to write B. to ...
- People who donate money to an animal shelter probably took at least one class in ...
- the study of the physical nature, structure, and history of the earth A. geology ...
- What is Arachnophobia the fear of? A. Spiders B. Water C. Fire D. Snakes
- A sociology student will typically study what? A. the study of humans B. the study ...
- Which enzyme is responsible for adding the free nucleotides to the replicating DNA? ...
- The directionality of DNA is said to be ___________, because it is side by side ...
- DNA replication results in two DNA molecules, A. each one with two original strands B. ...
- A process in which DNA has the unique ability to make an exact copy of ...
- Match he nucleotide with its complementary nucleotide. (DNA to DNA). Adenine - _ A. ...
- Which is the third step? A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand B. ...
- Which letter in the picture below depicts the leading ...
- Which is the second step? A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand B. ...
- Which is the first step? A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand B. ...
- Match he nucleotide with its complementary nucleotide. (DNA to DNA). Cytosine- _ A. Thymine ...
- The picture below shows an enzyme unwinding and unzipping ...
- Which enzyme is responsible for adding nucleotides? A. Topoisomerase B. DNA Polymerase C. Ligase D. ...
- Describes the twisted ladder-like shape of a DNA molecule A. Nitrogen Base B. Hexagon C. ...
- What are the 4 nitrogen bases? A. adenine, thymine, cytoplasm, and guanine B. adenine, thymine ...
- The enzyme that unzips the DNA to prepare for replication A. helicase B. replicase C. ...
- Which organelle is DNA usually found in? A. cell membrane B. vacuole C. chloroplast D. ...
- Which letter in the picture below depicts the lagging ...
- Why is DNA important? A. it is very small and very complicated B. it's in ...
- This image shows that DNA Replication is _______. A. ...
- Okazaki fragments appear on which strand of DNA during DNA replication? A. lagging ...
- The picture below shows the steps of DNA replication ...
- What term names the process during which DNA is copied prior to cell division? A. ...
- Lichens are ________ and photosynthetic _____________ in a mutualistic relationship with one another. A. ...
- Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition ...
- All statements below is true about gymnosperms EXCEPT A. heterosporous B. seed does ...
- All protists are __________________________. A. Prokaryotic B. Eukaryotic C. Unicellular D. Multicellular
- The image shows a paramecium. What structure is utilized ...
- Algae is a general term used to describe _____________ - like protists. A. Plant B. ...
- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Kingdom Fungi? A. Autotrophic B. Cell ...
- Why Hibiscus sp. are considered more advanced compared to Pinus sp.? A. Xylem consists ...
- Which of the following does NOT describe the purpose of spores in fungi? A. Absorb ...
- Hyphae is filamentous body plan (long, branched, thread-like cells). There are two types of hyphae;septate ...
- The common name for the organism in bryophytes is A. mosses B. flowering ...
- Fungi are made up of filaments known as _________, which allow the fungus to digest ...
- Which of the following statements show characteristics of Sulfolobus sp.? I. The cell ...
- Amoeba is an example of which type of protist? A. Animal-like protists B. Plant-like protists ...
- Which of the following is the mode of digestion for fungi? A. Photosynthetic ...
- Plants that produce seeds in cones are known as _____, while flower producing plants are ...
- Which of these species belongs to bryophytes? A. Polytrichum sp. B. Dryopteris sp. ...
- In a fern life cycle, the ____________ is the dominant generation. A. haploid gametophyte ...
- Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of these features is unique to them ...
- All answers listed below are true about bacteria EXCEPT A. all are prokaryotes ...
- Which of following is NOT example of bacteria? A. S. aureus B. Chlamydomonas ...
- Penicillium sp. belongs to A. Ascomycota B. Zygomycota C. Basidiomycota D. ...
- Rhizopus sp. belongs to A. Ascomycota B. Zygomycota C. Basidiomycota D. ...
- Which of the following statements are TRUE about organisms in the Domain Bacteria? I. ...
- Microorganism that found in extreme environments such as hot springs and underwater volcanoes classify under ...
- Which two kingdoms are entirely multicellular? A. Animalia and Plantae B. Animalia and Protista C. ...
- Which of the following protists contain chloroplasts and are therefore autotrophic? A. Euglena B. Amoeba ...
- The shape for this bacteria is called ............. ...
- Which letter points to the spore producing structures of ...
- Which compound in the cell wall that causes a Gram positive bacteria stain purple in ...
- What kind of plant is pictured? A. angiosperm B. ...
- The fungi phylum that produces sexual spores in microscopic sac-like structure is called A. ...
- Which of the following best describes how fungi obtain their nutrition and energy? A. Digest ...
- What is the tangled, underground network of hyphae that makes up the largest portion of ...
- This plant is classified under A. Bryophytes ...
- This plant is classified under A. Bryophytes ...
- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of pteridophytes? A. Sporophyte generation is ...
- How is the amoeba (seen in the image) able ...
- Non-vascular plants belongs to which group? A. pteridophytes B. bryophytes C. gymnosperms ...
- Which of the following taxa contains the most members? A. order B. species ...
- True or False: Budding is an example of asexual reproduction used by unicellular fungi known ...
- The Gram-positive bacteria stain purple because A. they form thin outer membrane B. ...
- Agaricus sp. belongs to A. Ascomycota B. Zygomycota C. Basidiomycota D. ...
- All statements listed below are true about Rhizopus sp. except A. it's hyphae is ...
- Mosses and liverworts are called non-vascular plant because A. they lack motile sperm ...
- Which of the following is the unique characteristics for Kingdom Plantae A. cell wall ...
- The cells walls of fungi are made of a chemical compound known as ____________. A. ...
- Bacteria plays role in nitrogen fixation is related to importance of bacteria which is; ...
- A GP will refer a patient to a secondary health care service... A. TRUE ...
- You work in a hospital or community setting. The work varies depending on where you're based. ...
- Cost, resources and physical access are all what? A. Barriers B. Referrals ...
- What does NHS stand for? A. National Health Service ...
- If a person goes to the hospital to receive a blood transfusion, but returns home ...
- I had hip surgery last week but now I ...
- What is professional referral? A. When you take yourself to a care practitioner for ...
- If a neighbour offers to provide care and support for you after recovering from an ...
- Which one of these muscles is found at the shoulder joint? A. Deltoid ...
- What are the bones that form a joint at the shoulder? A. humerus and ...
- Which types of bones are used for protection? A. Flat B. Short ...
- A tough but flexible tissue that acts as a buffer between the bones, preventing bones ...
- What connects bone to bone? A. Tendons B. Ligaments C. Joint Capsule ...
- What is the name of the bone highlighted in ...
- What type of bone is the cranium? A. Short B. Long C. ...
- Identify the muscle. A. Hamstring B. Gastrocnemius C. Deltoid ...
- What bone is highlighted in red? A. ...
- A clear and slippery liquid that lubricates the joint and stops the bones rubbing together, ...
- All of the following are functions of the skeleton except: A. size B. ...
- What connects muscle to bone? A. Ligament B. Tendon C. Cartilage ...
- Which of the following statements best describes ‘abduction’ at a ball and socket joint? ...
- How many bones make up the skeleton? A. 300 B. 200 C. 206 D. 250 ...
- What are synovial joints also known as? A. Freely moving joints B. Freely ...
- The femur is a type of what bone? A. Long B. Short ...
- Which bone sits in the middle of the ribs? A. Clavicle B. Sternum ...
- Tissue that stops synovial fluid from escaping and encloses, supports and holds the bones together ...
- Which is the odd one out? A. Knee B. Hip C. Humerus ...
- What bone is highlighted in red? A. ...
- Which one of these is incorrect? A. The skeleton provides oxygen for the working ...
- What synovial joint would you find where the femur and pelvis articulate? A. Knee ...
- Which one of these bones is located at the ankle joint? A. Femur ...
- What are your wrist bones called? A. metacarpals B. carpals C. tarsals ...
- What is your shoulder blade called? A. clavicle B. ulna C. sternum ...
- Name the bone shaded in green. A. ...
- What is your kneecap called? A. manible B. patella C. calcaneus ...
- what is the bone that protects the brain? A. skull B. skeleton ...
- What is the bone at 9? A. ...
- Name the bone shaded in green. A. ...
- What is the bone at 6? A. ...
- What are bones in your ankle called? A. femur B. carpals C. ...
- What is the bone at 8? A. ...
- What is the bone at 10? A. ...
- The long arm bone is called ___________? A. clavicle B. humerus C. ...
- What is the bone at 5? A. ...
- What is the bone at 2? A. ...
- Is the serratus anterior located medial or lateral to the rectus abdominis? ...
- Which muscle is shown here? A. Teres ...
- Which muscle is highlighted? A. Rhomboid major ...
- Is the latissimus dorsi located on the anterior or posterior side of the human body? ...
- What muscle is shown here? A. pectoralis ...
- The arrow is pointing to the A. ...
- A. external oblique B. serratus anterior ...
- Identify the highlighted muscle. A. Abdominals ...
- A. external oblique B. serratus anterior ...
- A. Scalenes B. Supraspinatus C. ...
- What muscle is highlighted green? A. Infraspinatus ...
- A. pectoralis minor B. pectoralis major ...
- What muscle is shown? A. Scalenes ...
- What muscle is shown here? A. Trapezius ...
- What muscle is highlighted? A. Rhomboid major ...
- Identify the highlighted muscle. A. Gastrocnemius ...
- What muscle is located on the back that extends to your sides? A. trapezius ...
- Skeletal muscles attach to bone via _____. A. tendon B. veins C. ...
- A. deltoid B. serratus anterior ...
- What muscle is the black line pointing to? ...
- What muscle is shown here? A. the ...
- The official updates to USP that took effect in 2008 include all of the ...
- What is the minimum frequency that counters and work surfaces must be cleaned? A. ...
- How often should IV hoods be certified regarding inspection? A. Once a year ...
- Health care- associated infections are also called? A. Hospital-induced infections B. Hospital-spread infections ...
- What type of hood provides that most protection for the preparer? A. Horizontal flow ...
- A tension type syringe has a maximum volume (in mL) of: A. 0.5 ...
- All TPN orders contain: A. Dextrose and amino acids B. Lipids C. ...
- Chemotherapy medications can be prepared in the following type(s) of IV hoods? A. Horizontal ...
- How many Risk Levels exist under USP ? A. Three B. Four ...
- The cleanroom or buffer room is adjacent to the: A. Green room B. ...
- An are exposed to air or touch, such as a vial, needle, or ampule, is ...
- Which one of the following products is considered hazardous? A. Antibiotics B. Anticoagulants ...
- Which is not true regarding sharps containers? A. They are always located inside ...
- When a chunk of rubber from stopper is found in a vial, what has occurred? ...
- USP contains guidelines that apply to: A. Pharmacists & pharmacy technicians B. ...
- Failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards. A. malpractice B. epidemiology ...
- A method of judging the benefits of different products by comparing several factors, such as ...
- Using the Internet to buy products or services. A. epidemiology B. online shopping ...
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 / 50 / 51 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 69 / 70 / 71 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77 / 78 / 79 / 80 / 81 / 82 / 83 / 84