Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

Bacteria come in all of the following shapes EXCEPT which?
A. spiral
B. rod-like
C. rectangular
D. spherical

Select your answer:


Health and Wellness Diseases and Preventions Microbial Growth Personal Growth Plan Polio HNBS Intern Endocrine System and Nervous System Heart and Circulatory System Transportation in Organisms Tracheostomy Care Mycology Inheritance Skin and Derivatives PHE The Brain

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Nutrition › View

Which level of blood sugar would be considered Hypoglycemia?

A. 2.1 mmol/L

B. 4-7 mmol/L

C. 7.5 mmol/L

D. 5 mmol/L

Endocrinology › View

What pituitary hormone targets primarily bones and muscles?

A. testosterone

B. growth hormone

C. antidiuretic hormo

D. Both A and B