Medical Quiz

Inheritance Quiz


A man with type AB blood is accused of being the father of a type O baby. The mother is type A. Could this man be the father?

A. Yes

B. No

Which answer contains the heterozygous genotype?


B. aa

C. Aa

If an offspring receives an allele of genetic information for two different forms of a trait from its parents, which trait will it express?

A. It will share or blend the traits

B. Whichever trait is recessive

C. Whichever trait is dominant

D. There is a 50/50 chance of having either trait

How much of your DNA do you inherit from your mom?
A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. it varies

Sex-linked genes are mostly found on which chromosome?
C. Y only
D. X only

Which of the following would be considered “heterozygous”?

A. Do, Re, Mi, Fa

B. GG, Gg, Tt, ee

C. rr, ee, tt, AA

D. Tt, Yy, Rr

A human body (somatic) cell usually has how many chromosomes?

A. 6

B. 22

C. 4

D. 46

Mendel found that if he crossed a pure bred white-flowered pea plant with a pure bred purple-flowered pea plant:

A. half of their offspring were usually white and half were usually purple

B. All of the offspring were purple

C. All of the plants were white

D. The results were unpredictable

What is the diploid number in human cells?
A. 2
B. 23
C. 46
D. 92

The shape of a DNA molecule is a

A. rope

B. double helix

C. curve

D. circular

What are the blood types of the possible children that a woman (type O) and man (type AB) can have?

A. O and AB

B. O and A

C. O and B

D. A and B

Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Genes are the only influence on traits.

B. Several genes can influence a single trait.

C. The environment can have an influence on traits.

D. One gene can influence many traits.

During meiosis, the nucleus of the parent cell divides
A. once
B. twice
C. three times
D. four times

If this image were real, it would represent what type of inheritance?
A.     incomplete dominance
B.     codominance
C.     polygenic inheritance
D.     compete dominance

If a somatic (body) cell in a butterfly contains 24 chromosomes, a butterfly egg would contain
A. 3
B. 6
C. 12
D. 24

What happens when a true-breeding plant self-pollinates?

A. Some of its offspring have the same traits as the parent.

B. None of its offspring have the same traits as the parent.

C. All of its offspring have the same traits as the parent.

D. One of its offspring has the same traits as the parent.

A ______________ is a person who has one normal or dominant allele for a trait and a recessive or abnormal allele for a trait.
A. codominant
B. disorder
C. carrier
D. pedigree

In cats, the allele for stripes (S) is dominant over the allele for no stripes (s). Two heterozygous cats are bred. If the female cat has a litter of 8, predict how many kittens will have no stripes.

A. 2

B. 6

C. 4

D. 8

What type of RNA carries the DNA message out of the nucleus to the ribosomes?





The cells produced via meiosis are called:
A. sex cells
B. somatic cells
C. body cells
D. skin cells

What is a chromosome?

A. A long strand of DNA

B. A tiny piece of DNA

C. A cell wall

D. A mitochondria

In mitosis, the two resulting cells are

A. different from the parent cell and identical to each other.

B. different from the parent cell and different from each other.

C. identical to the parent cell and different from each other.

D. identical to the parent cell and identical to each other.

How many chromosomes do humans have?

A. 3

B. 10

C. 28

D. 46

A cell containing genetic information from each parent, for example a sperm or an egg.

A. Chromosome

B. Allele


D. Gamete

An allele which is only expressed when no dominant allele is present.

A. hidden allele

B. dominant allele

C. recessive allele

D. present allele


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