Medical Quiz

Mycology Quiz


Fugal thallus with naked mass of protoplasm is

A. Clamydospore

B. Conida

C. Plasmodium

D. Arthrospore

In pythium sexual spore is

A. Ascospore

B. Basidiospore

C. Conidia

D. Oospore

Disease caused by Pythium is

A. Damping off

B. Anthracnose

C. Leaf spot

D. Canker

Thick walled resistant spores in fungi

A. Aplanospores

B. Zoospores

C. Conidia

D. Chlamydospres

Whole fungal thallus transform into a reproductive structure

A. Percarpic

B. Eucapic

C. Holocarpic

D. Enterocarpic

Flagella in Zoospores of pythium is placed as

A. Anteriorly uniflagellate

B. Posteriorly uniflagellate

C. anteriorly biflagellate

D. Latteraly biflagellate

In Pythium sexual reproduction is by………………………

A. gametagial copulation

B. Planogametic copulation

C. Gametangial contact

D. Spermatization

Membraneous vesicular material embedded in the fungi cell wall external to the line of plasma membrane.

A. Heterosomes

B. Endosomes

C. Lomasomes

D. Exosomes

Thick strands or root like aggregation of somatic hyphae in some fungi——

A. Enteromorph

B. Exomorph

C. Rhizomorph

D. Rhizoids

Mastigomycota is known as

A. Sac fungi

B. Conidial fungi

C. Zoosporic fungi

D. Club fungi

Dolipore septum is seen in ———————-

A. Ascomycetes

B. Oomycetes

C. Basidiomyctes

D. Zygomycetes


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