Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Quiz

Fungi are made up of filaments known as _________, which allow the fungus to digest substances and absorb nutrients.
A. Hyphae
B. Spores
C. Roots
D. Fruiting Bodies

Select your answer:


Stroke Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Pollution Deaf Blind Respiratory Blood Groups Joints in our Body Defence against Infectious Diseases Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Parts of the Brain Types of Immunity Covid-19 Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Lifetime Wellness

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Cancer promoting substances are called:

A. Tumors

B. Carcinogens

C. Cyclins

D. Malignant

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Which group of organisms is most likely to infect humans

A. psychrophiles

B. mesophiles

C. thermophiles

D. hyperthermophiles