Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Quiz


Which of the following taxa contains the most members?

A. order

B. species

C. phylum

D. class

All answers listed below are true about bacteria EXCEPT

A. all are prokaryotes

B. all are unicellular

C. all are harmful

D. all do not have nucleus

Which of the following statements show characteristics of Sulfolobus sp.?

I. The cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan.

II. There are no membrane-enclosed organelles within their cytoplasm.

III. Their DNA consist of histone proteins.

IV. Their membrane lipid has unbranched hydrocarbon chain that linked by ether linkage

A. I, II and III

B. II, III and IV

C. I, II and IV

D. I, III and IV

True or False: Budding is an example of asexual reproduction used by unicellular fungi known as yeasts.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of pteridophytes?

A. Sporophyte generation is dominant

B. Gametophyte generation is dominant

C. Produce spores

D. Has true roots, stems and leaves

Which two kingdoms are entirely multicellular?
A. Animalia and Plantae
B. Animalia and Protista
C. Protista and Plantae

This plant is classified under

A. Bryophytes

B. Pteridophytes

C. Gymnoperms

D. Angiosperms

Fungi are made up of filaments known as _________, which allow the fungus to digest substances and absorb nutrients.
A. Hyphae
B. Spores
C. Roots
D. Fruiting Bodies

Biologists put extra effort into protecting these because they have many species living in them.
A. Cities
B. Biodiversity Hotspots
C. Farms
D. Conservation stations

The Gram-positive bacteria stain purple because

A. they form thin outer membrane

B. they have thick outer membrane

C. they have thin peptidoglycan layer

D. they have thick peptidoglycan layer

The common name for the organism in bryophytes is

A. mosses

B. flowering plants

C. ferns

D. pines

Why Hibiscus sp. are considered more advanced compared to Pinus sp.?

A. Xylem consists of vessel and tracheid

B. Reproduction by producing seeds

C. Phloem consists of sieve tube

D. Has true roots, stem and leaves

Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of these features is unique to them and helps account for their success?

A. Dominant gametophytes

B. Fruits enclosing seeds

C. Embryos enclosed within seed coats

D. Sperm cells without flagella

Lichens are ________ and photosynthetic _____________ in a mutualistic relationship with one another.
A. Fungi and Algae
B. Fungi and Plants
C. Plants and Algae
D. Animals and Plants

What kind of plant is pictured?
A. angiosperm
B. gymnosperm
C. monocot
D. dicot

the breaking of habitats into smaller pieces is called…

A. habitat division

B. habitat pollution

C. habitat corruption

D. habitat fragmentation

______ ______ includes thing like minerals, fossil fuels, plants, animals, clean water, and solar energy.
A. Overexpoitation
B. Natural Resources
C. Nonrenewable Resources

Rhizopus sp. belongs to

A. Ascomycota

B. Zygomycota

C. Basidiomycota

D. Apicomplexa

Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems?

A. It helps populations adapt to ecological changes.

B. It increases at each level of the food chain.

Non-vascular plants belongs to which group?

A. pteridophytes

B. bryophytes

C. gymnosperms

D. angiosperms

Which of following is NOT example of bacteria?

A. S. aureus

B. Chlamydomonas sp.

C. Nitrosomonas sp.

D. Lactobacillus sp.

The image shows a paramecium. What structure is utilized by the paramecium for movement?
A. Cilia
B. Flagella
C. Pseudopods
D. Pili

All protists are __________________________.
A. Prokaryotic
B. Eukaryotic
C. Unicellular
D. Multicellular

Which of the following would be most effective in slowing the loss of biodiversity?

A. creating large parks/preserves in biodiversity hotspots

B. requiring every country to maintain a seed bank

The ecosystem approach to conservation is partly based on the idea that:

A. a healthy biosphere requires intact ecosystems.

B. human needs are of secondary importance.


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