Medical Quiz

Skin Structure Quiz

_________ play an important role in the skin’s health often aiding in healing, softening, keeping skin healthy and fighting diseases of the skin.

A. Oils

B. Vitamins

C. Lubricants

D. Antiseptics

Select your answer:


Biochemistry of Diabetes Circulatory and Lymphatic System Burns and Skin Cancer Skin Surgical & Complementary Terms Cardiovascular Nursing The Cell Cycle & Cancer Principles of Microbiology DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Head and Neck Anatomy Pancreas Sports Medicine Life Processes Chronic Diseases Genetics

Other quiz:

Health Care › View

Nursing assistants work under the supervision of

A. the doctor.

B. other nursing assistants.

C. licensed nurses.

D. the administrator.

Vitamins › View

What foods are high in Vitamin A?

A. Sweet potatoes, Carrots, & Spinnach

B. Spinach, broccoli, kale, & brusel sprouts

C. Oranges, strawberries, grapefruit

D. Eggs, Cheese, Sunlight

E. Beef, nuts, enriched cereal, liver