Medical Quiz

The Cell Cycle & Cancer Quiz


One half of a duplicated chromosome.

A. Chromosome

B. Chromatid

C. Centromere

D. Telomere

In what stage of mitosis does the nuclear envelop form again, chromosomes start to look like chromatin again, spindle fibers break down & cytokinesis begins?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D. Telophase

What is the purpose of the cell cycle?

A. Growth & repair

B. Cell division

C. Cell differentiation

D. Create new stem cells

Which of the following is NOT a phase of Interphase

A. G1 Phase

B. S Phase

C. G2 Phase

D. Mitosis

One long continuous thread of DNA that consists of numerous genes & regulatory information.

A. Chromosome

B. Chromatid

C. Centromere

D. Telomere

Mitosis is the process of cell division.



A signal that comes from inside of the cell

A. External regulation

B. Internal Regulation

C. Checkpoint

D. Apoptosis

What occurs during the S phase of Interphase?

A. Growth

B. Protein production

C. Chromosomes replicate

D. Chromosomes split in half

Programmed cell death

A. External regulation

B. Internal Regulation

C. Checkpoint

D. Apoptosis

Cancer cells that can break away from the tumor & be carried to other parts of the body/organs to form more tumors.

A. Cancer

B. Tumors

C. Malignant

D. Benign

Critical point where “stop” & “go” signals can regulate the cell cycle.

A. External regulation

B. Internal Regulation

C. Checkpoint

D. Apoptosis

When does the cytoplasm divide into two individual cells?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Telophase

D. Cytokinesis

In what stage of mitosis do the sister chromatids separate & become individual chromosomes as chromatids move to opposite ends of the cell?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D. Telophase

Abnormal cells that typically remain clustered together.

A. Cancer

B. Malignant

C. Metastasize

D. Benign

Uncontrolled cell division

A. Cancer

B. Tumors

C. Malignant

D. Benign

In what stage of mitosis do chromosomes condense & are visible as sister chromatids, the nuclear membrane disappears, & spindle fibers form?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D. Telophase

Place the following in order from smallest to largest.

A. Organism, Organ System, Organ, Tissue, Cell

B. Organ System, Tissue, Cell, Organism, Organ

C. Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System, Organism

D. Tissue, Organ, Organism, Cell, Organ System

Spread of disease from one organ to another.

A. Cancer

B. Malignant

C. Metastasize

D. Benign

A signal that comes from outside of the cell

A. External regulation

B. Internal Regulation

C. Checkpoint

D. Apoptosis

Two identical chromatids

A. Chromosome

B. Sister Chromatids

C. Centromere

D. Telomere

Ends of the DNA molecule

A. Chromosome

B. Chromatid

C. Centromere

D. Telomere

At the end of Interphase, the cell has

A. 1/4 a set of chromosomes

B. 1/2 a set of chromosomes

C. 1 set of chromosomes

D. 2 full sets of chromosomes

In what stage of mitosis do the chromosomes move to the middle of the cell?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D. Telophase

Cancer causing agents

A. Malignant

B. Carcinogen

C. Metastasize

D. Benign

Region of the condensed chromosomes that looks pinched

A. Chromosome

B. Chromatid

C. Centromere

D. Telomere


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