Medical Quiz

History of Immunology Quiz

Who discovered Cell mediated immunity?

A. Metchnikoff

B. George Nuttal

C. Pfeiffer

Select your answer:


Physical Fitness Components Pain Pathophysiology The Respiratory System ICU Plasmid Health Related Fitness Excretion in Humans Respiratory System Med Term Vaccines Enzymes and Digestion Renal Public Health and Genetic Disease Ecology & Organisms Dermatology Vocabulary Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes

Other quiz:

Diseases › View

Which of these diseases cannot be prevented through vaccination

A. Mumps

B. Common cold

C. Measles

Food Microbiology › View

Which of these is not a symptom of food poisoning?

A. Headache

B. Vomiting

C. Diarrhoea

D. Weight gain