Medical Quiz

Renal Quiz


The inferior suprarenal artery is a branch of the ______.

A. inferior phrenic artery

B. aorta

C. renal artery

D. gonadal artery

The adult reference range for plasma urea is

A. 3.3-6.7umol/l

B. 3.3-6.7mmol/l

C. 60-120umol/l

D. 60-120mmol/l

In a creatinine clearance test, urine and plasma creatinine are measured in what unit?

A. ng/l

B. mmol/l

C. umol/l

D. IU/l

The right suprarenal vein drains into the _____.

A. gonadal vein

B. phrenic vein

C. renal vein


The right kidney is posteriorly related to __________.

A. ribs 11-12

B. rib 12

C. rib 9

D. ribs 8-10

Which of these is a cause of post-renal AKI?

A. Sepsis

B. Blood loss

C. Glomerulonephiritis

D. Renal calculi

Normal glomerular filtration rate is around….

A. 30-60ml/min

B. 60-80ml/min

C. 120-150ml/min

D. >150ml/min

The kidneys lie retroperitoneally on the posterior abdominal wall at vertebral levels from ________ to _________.

A. T12-L3

B. T2- L1

C. L1-L4

D. T2-T12

The stages of CKD are based on the length of time GFR has been decreased



CKD is defined as a GFR of less than what?

A. 15ml/min

B. 30ml/min

C. 60ml/min

D. 90ml/min

Select the correct order regarding to renal blood flow

A. renal artery, segmental artery, interlobular artery, interlobar artery, aorta

B. renal artery, segmental artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery

C. aorta, renal artery, segmental artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery

D. aorta, renal artery, arcuate artery, segmental artery, interlobular artery

Each kidney moves about _________ in a vertical direction during the movement of the diaphragm that occurs with deep breathing.

A. 1 to 2 cm

B. 3 inch

C. 1 to 1.5 inches

D. 5cm

Why is cystatin c not used routinely in clinical practice to estimate GFR?

A. It can’t be used to ascertain renal function

B. It is not endogenous

C. It is too costly

D. It is already used widely in clinical practice

Which of these is a cause of intra-renal AKI?

A. Nephrotoxins

B. Sepsis

C. Severe burns

D. Renal calculi

What’s one of the main limitations of using a dipstick to test urine samples?

A. It takes a long time

B. It is a very invasive method

C. They have to be used in a hospital setting

D. The results can be open to interpretation

Time of collection for creatinine clearance is 24hrs but it is inputted into the equation in minutes – how many minutes?

A. 720mins

B. 1080mins

C. 1440mins

D. 1800mins

What is the most accurate measurement to use via clearance with regards GFR?

A. Inulin

B. Insulin

C. Plasma urea

D. Alkaline Phosphatase

A rise in plasma creatinine reflects a fall in GFR



An estimation of the efficiency with which substances are cleared from the blood by the kidneys is known as?

A. Glomerular filtration rate

B. Renal filtration rate

C. Rate of bile production

D. Renal threshold

Name a food that can impact on the colour of urine

A. Aubergine

B. Beetroot

C. Carrot

D. Broccoli

For at least how long?

A. 1 months

B. 3 months

C. 6 months

D. 9 months

Which of these is a cause of pre-renal AKI?

A. Renal calculi

B. Glomerulonephritis

C. Severe dehydration

D. Prostatic enlargement

The fat inside the renal fascia is known as _________.

A. pararenal fat

B. paranephric fat

C. perirenal fat

D. adrenalfat

Select the correct arrangement posteroanteriorlly of the renal pelvis and renal blood vessels.

A. V-A-P

B. P-A-V

C. A-V-P

D. V-P-A

What protein is the smallest of the large proteins usually held back by the glomerular membrane?

A. Globulin

B. Albumin

C. Fibrinogen

D. IgG


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