Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Med Term Quiz


What is tachypnea?

A. excessively fast breathing

B. excessively fast heartbeat

C. excessively heavy bleeding

D. low heart rate 

to breathe

A. pulmon/o

B. spir/o

C. sinus/o

D. trache/o

What is the term for “without breathing”?

A. Asphyxia

B. Apnea

C. Asbestosis

D. Rhinorrhea

surgical opening of the trachea

A. tracheotomy

B. tracheorrhagia

C. thoracotomy

D. thoracectomy

increased tissue spaces caused by destruction of alveoli

A. pneumonia

B. emphasema

C. tuberculosis

D. asthma

surgical repair of a bronchial defect

A. bronchoplasty

B. bronchoscopy

C. bronchostenosis

D. bronchoplegia

The general term used to describe a group of respiratory conditions characterized by chronic airflow limitations can be abbreviated as:





Eupenia is…….

A. no breathing

B. fast breathing

C. normal breathing

D. slow breathing

You have a horrible sore throat (inflammation) of the larynx and the pharynx

A. laryngitis

B. pharryngitis

C. laryngopharyngitis

D. tracheolaryngitis

A disorder of the lungs called ____ causes the bronchi to become restricted (get smaller) so air can’t get to the lungs.

A. asthma

B. cold

C. influenza

D. bronchitis


A. process of recording

B. stretching out or dialation

C. breathing

D. visual examination

meaning lung

A. pulmon/o

B. spir/o

C. sinus/o

D. thorac/o

labored or difficult breathing

A. dyspnea

B. hypernea

C. hypoventilation

D. hyperventilation


A. someone is dead

B. someone is breathing wrong

C. someone is blue

D. someone has cancer

The term meaning the abnormal narrowing of the lumen of the trachea is:

A. bronchioplasm

B. brachiostenosis

C. tracheostenosis

D. tracheocentesis

Dr. Doolittle discovers that his patient has an inflammation of the lungs. He records this on the patients chart as:

A. Bronchitis

B. Bronchoplegia

C. Pnumonia

D. Pneumonitis

What is the incision of the chest?

A. tracheotomy

B. mediastinoscopy

C. dysphonia

D. thoracotomy


A. absence of breathing

B. slow breathing

C. fast breathing

D. normal breathing


A. inflammation of the lungs

B. inflammation of the nose

C. inflammation of the alveoli

D. inflammation of the trachea

Dr. McSteamy’s examination revealed that Clara Barton has an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity. This diagnosis is recorded on her chart as a(n)

A. hemothorax

B. epstaxis

C. hemostaxis

D. pleurrhaphy

paralysis of the wall of the bronchi

A. bronchorrhagia

B. bronchorrhea

C. bronchoplegia

D. bronchoscopy

The term meaning an abnormal discharge from the pharynx:

A. Pharyngorrhea

B. Phlegm

C. Laryngorrhea

D. Sputum

meaning chest

A. pulmon/o

B. thorac/o

C. trache/o

D. spir/o


A. inflammation of the pharnyx

B. infection of the pharnyx

C. inflammation of the trachea

D. infection of the trachea


A. breathing pattern is too fast

B. breathing pattern is fast then slows down

C. breathing pattern is very slow, then speeds up

D. Breathing pattern is too slow and shallow


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