Medical Quiz

Macro and Micro Nutrients Quiz

Fiber is a type of which nutrient? 
A. Non Caloric
B. Protein 
C. Fat
D. Carbohydrate 

Select your answer:


Gene Expression Physical Pharmacy Physiology Division of Microbiology Genetics Tissues Bacteria and Viruses Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Healthcare Careers Neurological Disorders Nervous / Sensory System Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Kidney - Loop of Henlé Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Dermis

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Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System › View

When shown the word ball in their LEFT field of vision, the split brain patient says they saw nothing, but then they choose a ball with their left hand. Even though they can’t say what they saw, their left hand has awareness because the

A. left hand controlled by left field of vision

B. left hand controlled by left brain

C. left hand controlled by right brain

D. left hand controlled by right field of vision

Epidemiology › View

An example of morbidity is the number of people with cancer


B. False