Medical Quiz

Tissues Quiz


Which of the following correctly orders the organization in plants and animals from least to most complex?

A. Organisms → Organ Systems → Organs → Tissues → Cells

B. Tissues → Cells → Organs → Organisms → Organ Systems

C. Organs → Tissues → Organisms → Cells → Organ Systems

D. Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems → Organisms

What type of muscle is/are voluntary?

A. smooth and cardiac

B. smooth

C. skeletal and smooth

D. skeletal

What feature found on the surface of this epithelial layer greatly increases the surface area for absorption?

A. cilia

B. microvilli

C. endoplasmic reticulum

D. multiple nuclei

Which of these connects bone to bone?

A. tendon

B. ligament

What is blood classified as?

A. tissue

B. organ

C. organ system

When we observe the lower surface of a leaf through a magnifying lens we see numerous small openings. Which of the following is the term given to such openings?

A. Stomata

B. Lamina

C. Midrib

D. Veins

Name the type of epithelium

A. simple cuboidal

B. simple squamous

C. simple columnar

D. stratified squamous

The most correct classification of an epithelial tissue consisting of many layers of cells, in which the outer layers are flat and thin, and the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar is

A. simple columnar epithelium.

B. pseudostratified epithelium.

C. stratified squamous epithelium.

D. transitional epithelium.

E. simple squamous epithelium.

Girth of stem increases due to

A. apical meristem

B. lateral meristem

C. intercalary meristem

D. vertical meristem

Different tissues that perform a task

A. tissue

B. organism

C. cell

D. organ

In connective tissue, cells whose names contain the suffix – clast:

A. produce matrix

B. maintain the matrix

C. break down the matrix for remodeling

D. ingest foreign substances through phagocytosis

E. are non-motile cells that release histamines and other chemicals to promote inflammation.

What is the branch of medicine devoted to the study of blood ?

A. Rheumatology

B. Haematology

C. Endocrinology

D. Angiology

E. Hepatology

The dead cells of Sclerenchyma posess a water-proof material called :-

A. Pectin

B. Cutin

C. Wax

D. Lignin

Which of these connective tissue cells is NOT correctly matched with its function?

A. blast cells – make holes in extracellular matrix

B. clast cells – break down the extracellular matrix

C. cyte cells – maintain the extracellular matrix

D. mast cells – release chemicals promoting inflammation

E. macrophages – move about and ingest foreign substances

the water conducting tissue generally present in gymnosperm is

A. vessels

B. sievetube

C. tracheids

D. xylemfibres


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