Medical Quiz

Human Eye and Colorful World Quiz


Having two eyes facilitates in
A : Increasing the field of view
B : Bringing three-dimensional view
C : Developing the concept of distance/ size
Then the correct option is/are

A. A only

B. A and B only

C. B only

D. A, B and C

The air layer of atmosphere whose temperature is less then the hot layer behave as optically

A. denser medium

B. rarer medium

C. inactive medium

D. either denser or rarer medium

The refraction of light passed by the Earth’s Atmosphere having air layers of varying __________ is called atmospheric refraction.

A. optical densities

B. densities

C. volumes of air

D. winds

The perpendicular line drawn from the surface of any surface is called as

A. Normal

B. Incident Ray

C. Refracted ray

D. Emergent ray

The splitting of white light into the seven colors when it passes through a transparent material is called

A. Refractrion

B. Dispersion

C. Reflection

D. Diffraction

Near and far points of a young person normal eye respectively are

A. 0 and infinity

B. 0 and 25 cm

C. 25 cm and infinity

D. 25 cm and 150 cm.

When white light enters a prism, it gets split into its constituent colours. This is due to

A. different refractive index for different wavelength of each colour

B. each colours has same velocity in the prism.

C. prism material have high density.

D. Scattering of light

∠D is called as

A. Angle of incidence

B. Angle of deviation

C. Angle of dispersion

D. Angle of refraction

Bi-focal lens are required to correct

A. presbyopia

B. astigmatism

C. coma

D. myopia

What is happening in this picture?

A. The water is making the pencil bigger

B. the water is refracting (bending) the pencil

C. the water is refracting (bending) the light to make the pencil look bent

D. light is being absorbed

The image formed by retina of human eye is

A. Real and inverted

B. Virtual and inverted

C. Virtual and erect

D. Real and erect

The black opening between the aqueous humour and the lens is called

A. retina

B. iris

C. cornea

D. pupil

A ray of white light enters the raindrop and undergoes __________ and __________ to form a spectrum.

A. refraction; dispersion

B. reflection; dispersion

C. dispersion; diffraction

D. scattering; dispersion

The ability of eye lens to adjust its focal length to form a sharp image of the object at varying distances on the retina is called

A. Power of observation of the eye

B. Power of adjustment of the eye

C. Power of accommodation of the eye

D. Power of enabling of the eye

The danger signals installed at the top of tall buildings are red in colour. These can be easily seen from a distance because among all other colours, the red light

A. moves fastest in air

B. is absorbed the most by smoke or fog

C. is scattered the least by smoke or fog

D. is scattered the most by smoke or fog

Which eye disease has blurred images and clouding of the lens?

A. Myopia

B. Pink Eye

C. Cataracts

D. Hypermyopia

The muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil is

A. cornea

B. ciliary muscles

C. iris

D. retina

When white light passes through a prism,

A. red bends more, violet bends least

B. red bends least, violet bends most

C. dispersion doesn’t occur

D. refraction doesn’t occur


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