Medical Quiz

Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Quiz


Which type of external defense is not considered a ‘first line defense’.

A. Lymphatic Organs

B. Tears

C. Saliva

D. Skin (epithelial cells)

E. Mucous and cilia

The second line of defense in the body is the

A. barriers.

B. inflammatory response.

C. immune system.

D. lymphatic system.

Which type of pathogen is not considered to be a living organism?

A. Bacteria

B. Viruses

C. Fungi

D. Protists

What type of microbe is used in a vaccine?

A. it doesn’t really matter

B. a damaged one

C. a weakened or inactivated one

D. a normal one

Which of the following is NOT part of the first line of defense?

A. skin

B. B cells

C. sweat

D. lysozyme

A nonspecific defensive response of the body to tissue injury characterized by dilation of blood vessels and swelling.

A. immunity

B. interferon

C. immunization

D. inflammation

How many lines of defence in our body?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

The part of foreign materials that cause a response from the immune system are called _____________________.

A. Antigens

B. Active Immunity

C. Antibodies

D. Antibiotics

A ___________ is an organism that carries an infectious disease like malaria carrying mosquitoes.

A. Transmitter

B. Carrier

C. Vector

D. Zoonotic Transfer

Which of the following is NOT part of the first line of defense?

A. Mucous membranes

B. Macrophages

C. Cilia

D. Pathogen-busting enzymes in sweat

An organism that enters a life form and causes disease or sickness is a/an:

A. macrophage

B. pathogen

C. vaccine

D. flu

What is your skin considered as?

A. Skin is considered as a second and third line defense barrier.

B. Skin is considered as a large cell which helps destroy pathogens.

C. Skin is considered a biochemical barrier of the first line defense system.

D. Skin is considered as a part of the immune system.

E. Skin is considered as first line defense barrier.

Which type of microbe is the smallest?

A. Bacteria

B. Viruses

C. Fungi

D. Protists

Which of the following statements is TRUE about someone’s immune system that has allergies?

A. Body cells are dividing at an uncontrolled rate.

B. The body is reacting to foreign antigens that are not dangerous to most people.

C. T cells and B cells in the body cannot be activated.

D. The body is mistaking its own cells for foreign antigens.

Which line of defense includes the skin, sweat, mucous membranes, and normal microbiota?

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

Antibiotics are used to treat

A. viruses

B. bacteria

C. both viruses and bacteria

D. fungal infections, only

This type of immunity is acquired during one’s lifetime. It is induced by antigens that invade the body.

A. innate immunity

B. adaptive immunity

C. nonspecific immunity

D. normal microbiota

What is a first line defense?

A. Barriers within our body which form the immune system.

B. When the pathogens gets through the external defenses, and the body’s response leads to healing

C. The response from our body when a pathogen gets inside our body.

D. Physical and chemical barriers which prevent disease-causing pathogens enter your body.

E. An example of a first line defense are the immune cells.

This type of immunity can be called nonspecific and refers to the bodies defenses that are present since birth.

A. resistance

B. adaptive immunity

C. acquired immunity

D. innate immunity

The white blood cells that take part in the inflammatory response which engulf pathogens and destroy them are called

A. T cells.

B. Phagocytes.

C. Lymphocytes.

D. B-cells.

What would you consider to be the purpose of the body’s defense system?

A. To produce pathogens and enable them to multiply.

B. To only destroy pathogens in the body.

C. To only stop pathogens from getting into our body.

D. To provide space for pathogens to move within our body.

E. To stop pathogens getting into the body and destroy pathogens inside the body.

The adaptive immune response involves specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes which are also known as

A. platelets.

B. macrophages.

C. B and T cells.

Which of the following is NOT microorganism that can enter our body?

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungus

D. Protozoa

E. Earthworm

What are molecules on cells that the immune system recognize either as part of the body or as coming from outside the body?

A. antibodies.

B. antigens.

C. T cells.

D. B cells.

Which type of microbe is prokaryotic?

A. Bacteria

B. Viruses

C. Fungi

D. Protists


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