Medical Quiz

Branches of Medicine Quiz

The study of older individuals and their problems is called ______________

A. Pediatrics

B. Obstetrics

C. Geriatrics

D. They study that?

Select your answer:


Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Diseases of The Nervous System Vision and Light Transportation in Organisms Brain/Neuron Anatomy Health Issues and Concerns Thrombosis, Emboliya BIOMEDICAL MCQ Components of Food BMI (Body Mass Index) Blood and Hematology Protozoan Diseases Pulmonary System Coronary Heart Diseases Type 1 Diabetes

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Musculoskeletal LE › View

Which of the following diseases tends to be asymmetrical and results in bone-on-bone joints?

A. Osteoportosis

B. Oseoarthritis

C. Rheumatoid arthritis

Life Processes › View

Resins and gums are wastes stored in old xylem.