Medical Quiz

Branches of Medicine Quiz


The study of older individuals and their problems is called ______________

A. Pediatrics

B. Obstetrics

C. Geriatrics

D. They study that?

The study of tissues is

A. Cytology

B. Histology

C. Embryology

D. Neonatology

The study of the heart and associated vessels is called

A. pulmonology

B. cardiology

C. histology

D. hematology

The study of the body’s resistance to resistance is ___________.

A. Immunology

B. Neurology

C. Dermatology

D. Hematology

The study of the nervous system is

A. Psychiatry

B. Psychology

C. Geriatrics

D. Neurology

_____________ is the study of blood.

A. Cardiology

B. Hematology

C. Neurology

D. Immunology

The study of cancers is called ________________.

A. Orthopedics

B. Pathology

C. Cytology

D. Oncology

_________ is the study of the ear, larynx, and throat.

A. Ophthalmology

B. Pediatrics

C. Neurology

D. Otolaryngology

The study of the feet is called ________________.

A. Orthopedics

B. Pathology

C. Podiatry

D. Oncology

The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the mind.

A. Psychology

B. Pediatrics

C. Pathology

D. Psychiatry

__________ is the study of poisonous or toxic substances.

A. Pharmacology

B. Pathology

C. Toxicology

D. Histology

____________ deals with the urinary and male reproductive systems.

A. Gross Anatomy

B. Urology

C. Geriatrics

D. Orthopedics

___________ is the study of the female reproductive system.

A. Obstetrics

B. Urology

C. Gynecology

D. Gross Anatomy

The study of older individuals and their problems

A. Gastroenterology

B. Neonatology

C. Pediatrics

D. Geriatrics

The study of disease is called _______________

A. Podiatry

B. Psychiatry

C. Oncology

D. Pathology


Regulation of Heart Rate Degeneration Pathology A Treat For Mosquitoes Integumentary System & Body Directions Benefits of Physical Activity Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work T Cells Genetics and Censorship Cardiorespiratory System DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Common Respiratoty Diseases Components of Food Immunology Physiology Pathology Gaseous Exchange in Humans