Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

A nurse in the cardiology department is typically very knowledgeable about what organ in the body?
A. the brain
B. the liver
C. the heart
D. the spleen

Select your answer:


DNA & Types of Reproduction Heart and Circulatory System Pulmonary Edema and CHF Chest, Back, Abs Digestive and Circulatory System Tutor Oral Biology Skin and Derivatives Bones Anatomy Inherited & Acquired Traits Energy and Metabolism Geriatrics Microorganism - Diseases Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Genetic Engineering Homeostasis - Vision Correction

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autoimmune inflammation of joints with swelling, stiffness, pain; results in joint deformities

A. osteoarthritis

B. gout

C. rheumatoid arthritis

D. fibromyalgia

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In the winter I take vitamin C to _____ colds.

A. fend

B. ward off

C. diagnose

D. injure