Medical Quiz

Genetic Engineering Quiz


What is recombinant DNA

A. DNA from 2 different organisms combined

B. DNA from 2 different ribosomes

C. DNA that is separated out from a vector

Undifferentiated cells that can become any cell in the body are called…

A. Stem Cells

B. Somatic Cells

C. Gametes

D. Zygotes

Which genetic engineering technique amplifies the number of DNA pieces in a lab setting?


B. Gel Electrophoresis

C. Gene Therapy


Which stage in the production of insulin by genetic engineering is represent in Diagram 2?

A. Human gene is inserted into plasmid

B. Human gene is inserted into a bacterium

C. Plasmid is inserted into a human chromosomes

D. Bacterial gene is inserted into a human chromosome

Inserting a normal gene or editing an existing gene is called…

A. Genetic Engineering

B. Gene Therapy

C. Gene Cloning

D. Gene Sequencing

Which of the following is NOT a form of selective breeding?


B. Hybridization

C. Inbreeding

D. Natural Selection

What do we call the science of using the genetic makeup living things to create products?

A. Biotechnology

B. Genealogy

C. Pharmacology

D. Neurology

What is the enzyme used to help the process of inserting the gene into a vector in genetic engineering technique?

A. DNA ligase

B. Restriction enzymes

C. Bacterium enzymes

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are…

A. Always biologically modified in a lab

B. Always bad for you

C. Always free of pesticides

D. Always selectively bred

“transgenic” refers to an animal that:

A. Has DNA from another organism spliced into its genome

B. Has undergone DNA modification

C. Has unique genes for its species

Which of the following examples of genetic engineering repairs existing abnormal genes?



C. Gel Electrophoresis

D. Cloning

Which of the following is used to create recombinant DNA?

A. Restriction Enzymes

B. Amino Acids

C. Genetic Proteins

D. Messenger RNA

Which genetic engineering technique allows us to produce multiple, identical copies of a single gene?

A. Cloning


C. Gene Therapy


Hybridization is…

A. Selective Breeding between two unrelated organisms

B. Selective Breeding between two inbred organisms

C. Selective Breeding within a species

D. Selective Breeding within a population

How do scientists cut DNA into smaller strands?

A. restriction enzymes

B. scissors

C. ligase

D. agarose

Which of the following is NOT an example of a genome sequencing project?

A. Human Genome Project (HGP)

B. 1000 Genomes Project

C. ENCODE Project

D. 23 and Me Project

What do gene maps show?

A. Location of all the genes on a chromosome

B. Location of all the genes in the human body

C. Location of all the chromosomes in an individual

D. Location of an all the DNA in an individual’s genes

Which of the following could be used as a vector for a human gene?

A. Bacterial Plasmid

B. Bacteria

C. A mitochondria


What is the disease that can be treated by using goat as a transgenic organism which bring gene for blood clotting factor?

A. Anemia

B. Haemophilia

C. Thalassemia

D. Down Syndrome

An organism’s complete set of genes is called its…

A. Genome


C. Chromosome

D. Chromatin

The process of making changes in the DNA code of a living organism is called

A. selective breeding 

B. genetic engineering

C. inbreeding

D. hybridization

what is the correct sequence of steps in genetic engineering?

P: inserting the desired gene into a vector
Q: Cutting out the DNA of the desired gene
R: Multiplying the copies of the gene
S: Introducing the vector into the host cell

A. P, Q, S, R

B. P, R, Q, S

C. Q, P, S, R

D. Q, R, P, S

A circular piece of DNA, found in bacteria, is called:

A. A plasmid


C. Ribosome

D. Nucleotide

Which genetic engineering technique separates DNA fragments based on their size?


B. Gel Electrophoresis

C. Gene Cloning


DNA made from two (2) or more sources is called…

A. Recombinant DNA

B. Bacterial DNA

C. Messenger DNA

D. Artificial DNA


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