Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Quiz
When the kidneys don’t receive enough blood flow they:
A. Release angiotensin ll which stimulates aldosterone
B. Release angiotensin ll which which activates renin, which stimulates aldosterone
C. Release renin, which activates angiotensin ll which stimulates aldosterone
D. Release renin, which activates aldosterone, which stimulates angiotensin ll
Hypertension is defined as:
A. Sustained elevation in SBP=>160 or DBP<90 B. Sustained elevation of arterial BP. SBP=>140 or DBP=>90
When the kidneys don’t receive enough blood flow they release ______, which activates ______, which stimulates _______
A. Renin; aldosterone; angiotensin ll
B. Aldosterone; angiotensin ll; renin
C. Angiotensin ll; renin; aldosterone
D. Renin; angiotensin ll; aldosterone
The equation for Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is:
A. Average pressure (SBP + 2/3 pp)
B. Average pressure (DBP + 1/3 pp)
C. Average pressure (DBP + 2/3 pp)
D. Average pressure (SBP + 1/3 pp)
The following medication is used to treat hyperlipidemia because it reduces bile by blocking reabsorption in the intestines:
A. Statins
B. Bile acid sequestrants
C. ACE inhibitors
D. Calcium antagonists
What medications are used to treat hypertension?
A. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Bile acid sequestrants
c. Calcium antagonists
B. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Diuretics
c. Calcium antagonists
C. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Anti-diuretics
c. Fibrates
D. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Statins
c. Calcium antagonists
What is Xanthelasma?
A. Yellow deposits (fats/cholesterol) under skin
B. Fat build up around the eye
Primary HTN accounts for ____% of cases and is caused by _____
A. 80%; unknown origins
B. 20%; medications
C. 80%; medications
D. 20%; unknown origins
The Frank-Starling Law is:
A. Tension in ventricle wall depends on size of ventricle.
Inc. ability to eject blood if dilated
B. Tension in ventricle wall depends on size of ventricle.
Dec. ability to eject blood if dilated
C. Stretched cardiac muscle = decreased contraction
D. Stretched cardiac muscle = increased contraction
The Laplace Law:
A. Tension in ventricle wall depends on size of ventricle.
Dec. ability to eject blood if dilated
B. Tension in ventricle wall depends on size of ventricle.
Inc. ability to eject blood if dilated
C. Stretched cardiac muscle = decreased contraction
D. Stretched cardiac muscle = increased contraction
What are two signs of hyperlipidemia?
A. Zenthoma and Zanthelasma
B. Xanthoza and Xantheshma
C. Zanthoma and Zanthelasma
D. Xanthoma and Xanthelasma
The release of renin activates:
A. Angiotensin ll
B. Aldosterone
The following medication is used to treat hyperlipidemia because it treats high triglyceride levels
A. Statins
B. ACE inhibitors
C. Fibrates
D. Diuretics
What medications are used to treat hyperlipidemia?
A. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Diuretics
c. Fibrates
B. a. Statins
b. Bile acid sequestrants
c. Calcium antagonists
C. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Diuretics
c. Fibrates
D. a. Statins
b. Bile acid sequestrants
c. Fibrates
The ventricles contract during:
A. Diastolic BP
B. Systolic BP