Medical Quiz

Skin Structure Quiz

What detects pain?

A. nerve endings

B. pacinian corpuscle

C. Meissner’s corpuscle

D. vein

Select your answer:


Parkinson Disease Dermatology Foot Orthosis Vocab Philosophy Food Microbiology Organisms Hematology Fad Diets Innate Immunity Pathology Endocrine Disease & Immunity Microbial Growth Sexual Reproduction Physical Education Energy and Metabolism

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Viruses and Prions › View

Visible, clear, well-defined patches in a monolayer of virus-infected cells in a culture are called ______.

A. colony

B. patch

C. plaque

D. pocks

Diet › View

Define the term ‘balanced diet’.
A. A diet containing some nutrients in the correct proportions.
B. A diet containing most nutrients in the correct proportions.
C. A diet containing none nutrients in the correct proportions.
D. A diet containing all nutrients in the correct proportions.