Medical Quiz

Philosophy Quiz


Metaphysics derived from the Greek ___

A. Physics

B. Meta Ta Physika

C. Ontology

What is a law?

A. things you are expected to do

B. a person who has rights and responsibilties

C. A rule set by the community

D. Things you are entitled to or deserve

As sole leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un has total, oppressive control over his people. What type of government is this?

A. Dictatorship

B. Communism

C. Absolute Monarchy

D. Anarchy

Philosophy comes from the two Greek words philo meaning “love” or “friendship” and sophia meaning “wisdom.”



C. Trulse

D. I don’t know

the study of knowledge, truth, and the nature of ultimate reality. 

A. Philosophy 

B. Theology

C. Anthropology

D. Hamartiology 

Who was Confucius?

A. the founder of Legalism

B. the founder of Hinduism

C. The founder of Buddhism

D. The founder of Confucianism

What makes a bad decision bad? A question that falls under the branch of Philosophy called _________.

A. Logic

B. Epistemology

C. Ethics

D. Metaphysics

This form of government means “rule by the people”.

A. Democracy

B. Monarchy

C. Oligarchy

D. Theocracy

The reality that exists outside our human experience

A. physics

B. mathematics

C. magnetics

D. metaphysics

These laws include a wide range of subjects such as personal injury, divorce, taxes, property, and employment.

A. Criminal Laws

B. Civil Laws

C. Military Laws

D. Juvenile Laws

What are responsibilities?

A. things you are expected to do

B. a person who has rights and responsibilties

C. A rule set by the community

D. Things you are entitled to or deserve

The study of Truth or Knowledge

A. Epistemology

B. Ecclesiology

C. Ethnography

D. Ecology


A. A form of government which consists of rule by an elite group who rule in their own interests. Especially the accumulation of wealth and privilege.

B. A system of government by one person with absolute power.

C. Rule by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control.

D. Government owns all businesses and farms and provides its people healthcare, education, and welfare. Political and Economic theory derived from the ideas of Karl Marx.

Which philosopher was a student of Socrates?

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Alexander

The reality that exists outside our human experience.

A. physics

B. mathematics

C. magnetics

D. metaphysics


A. Government owns all businesses and farms and provides its people healthcare, education, and welfare. Political and Economic theory derived from the ideas of Karl Marx.

B. Rule by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control.

C. A form of government which consists of rule by an elite group who rule in their own interests. Especially the accumulation of wealth and privilege.

D. A system of government by one person with absolute power.

What are rights?

A. things you are expected to do

B. a person who has rights and responsibilties

C. A rule set by the community

D. Things you are entitled to or deserve

This branch of philosophy studies the concept of knowledge. 

A. Metaphysics

B. Empiricism 

C. Epistemology 

D. Theology 

This form of government exists when a single ruler has absolute control over people’d lives:

A. Dictatorship

B. Oligarchy

C. Representative Democracy

D. Direct Democracy

Which philosopher started an Academy in Greece?

A. Aristotle

B. Socrates

C. Plato

D. Zeus

Who was the philosopher that taught by asking questions?

A. Plato

B. Socrates

C. Aristotle

D. Alexander

Questions related to Universe

A. Epistemology

B. Theodicy

C. Cosmology

D. Phychology

E. Metaphysics

Questions related to Beauty and Taste

A. Ethics

B. Aesthetics

C. Axiology

D. Logic

E. Semanthics

Name the form of government that recognizes God or a divine being as the ultimate authority.

A. Theocracy

B. Oligarchy

C. Junta

D. Democracy

Philosophy comes from the Greek philosophia, meaning what?

A. Lover of philosophy

B. Love of wisdom

C. Love of soapboxes

D. Lover of questions


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