Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

Ringworm is caused by which pathogen?
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Protist
D. Fungi

Select your answer:


Inheritance Hospice Basics MS Neurology Parathyroid Gland Regulation of Heart Rate ICU Communicable Disease Tissue Repair Pathology Cardiology Services Med Terms Vision and Light Human Circulatory System Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Monoclonal Antibodies Nervous System/Endocrine System The Vascular System and Blood Flow

Other quiz:

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Which part of your digestive system absorbs nutrients into your bloodstream?
A. stomach
B. intestine
C. mouth
D. bladder

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We throw away ?? million tons of food every year

A. 7.2

B. 5.1

C. 4.3

D. 6.8