Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Quiz

The fungi phylum that produces sexual spores in microscopic sac-like structure is called

A. Ascomycota

B. Zygomycota

C. Basidiomycota

D. Chordata

Select your answer:


Diseases & Disorders Types of Reproduction Inflammation and Tissue Repair Ecology & Organisms Inhalation Injury Oxygenation First Aid Check up Skeletal Tissue Molecular Basis of Inheritance Toxicology Physiology Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Medical Careers Bacteriology Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology

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A. Yes

B. No

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Limiting factors that depend on the density of the population.

A. Density Dependent Limiting Factors

B. Density Independent Limiting Factors

C. Biotic potential

D. Environmental Resistance