Medical Quiz

Ecology Quiz

________ enable an organism to survive in its environment.
A. adaptations
B. natural selections
C. divergence
D. extinctions

Select your answer:


Bone Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Fitness Nutrients in Food Endodontic Surgery Characteristics of Life & Viruses Metabolic Sauver Digestive System Medical Terminology Germs Disabilities Reproduction Biological Molecules Human Body and Pathogens Biodiversity Obesity

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What shouldn’t you do to help in the classroom for a student with a hearing impairment?

A. Promote acceptance of your students

B. Increase visual information

C. Talk louder

D. Minimize classroom noise

Neurological Concepts › View

what do synergy patterns entail

A. stereotyped sets of movements that occur in response to a stimulus / voluntary movement that involved pathology of muscle tone that affects joint positions after neurological damage

B. The breakdown of the primary motor cortex

C. Include our gait pattern and how we balance using our cerebellum