Medical Quiz

Germs Quiz


True or False: A germ can enter the body through the skin?



A dose of weakened or killed germs of one kind that helps the body make antibodies to protect itself is called a
A. Vaccine
B. Antibiotic
C. Antibody
D. Pathogen

What ‘germ’ do antibiotics help your body get rid of?

A. Viruses and Fungus

B. Fungus

C. Viruses

D. Bacteria

Diseases that are not spread from person to person are called this.

A. communicable

B. contagious

C. susceptible

D. non-communicable

Athletes Foot is a

A. Virus

B. Bacteria

C. Fungi

D. Parasite

What is the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19?

A. Go to the bathroom

B. Wash your hands

C. Stop coughing

D. Sneeze

What is a symptom?
A. when it is hot outside
B. wearing many layers of clothes
C. a change in the body caused by an illness
D. when it is cold inside

Fungi reproduce by

A. cloning themselves

B. Spores

C. Splitting into two fungi

D. Mating

When is it okay to share medicine?

A. When it belongs to someone in your family

B. When a friend has the same illness

C. Never

D. Anytime

This is a ????

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

This is a ???

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

Covid 19 is a

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

True or False: A virus can be killed with an antibiotic.



Dehydration is when your body loses too much …

A. water

B. blood

C. weight

D. strength

An example of a communicable disease would be what?
A.     Heart Disease
B.     Chickenpox
C.     Diabetes
D.     Asthma

White blood cells create these to fight diseases.

A. antibodies

B. viruses

C. bacteria

D. pathogens

Bacteria can be treated with an

A. Antibiotic

B. Vaccine

C. Symptom

What is the best way to sneeze?
A. In your hand
B. Don’t cover your mouth
C. In your elbow
D. Into a hanky

Which of the following are ways germs can spread?

A. Through the air

B. Contact with objects or people 

C. Contact with animals

D. All of these

When unwanted germs invade, your body responds by turning up the heat, causing your temperature to be higher than normal.

A. stomach ache

B. fever

C. headache

D. virus

Cancer, Emphysema, and Allergies are all types of 
A. Communicable Diseases
B. Viruses
C. Bacteria
D. Non-Communicable Diseases

This is a ???

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

A prescription medicine is

A. One you can buy at the grocery store

B. One you get from your doctor at a pharmacy

C. Over the counter medicine

D. One you get from the school nurse

This is a ???

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

How do germs get into your body?

A. mouth, nose, or eyes

B. through your skin

C. when you stand next to a sick person

D. if a sick person is in your school


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