Medical Quiz

Endodontic Surgery Quiz


What is the primary purpose of the flap reflection during endodontic surgery?

A. To remove infected tissue

B. To visualize the root canal

C. To allow for access to the root canal

D. To protect the surrounding tissue

Which of the following is NOT an indication for endodontic surgery?

A. Persistent pain after root canal therapy

B. Incomplete root filling

C. Periradicular pathology

D. All of the above are indications

A patient has recently undergone endodontic surgery and is experiencing pain. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

A. Infection

B. Damage to the inferior alveolar nerve

C. Hematoma

D. All of the above

What is the primary goal of endodontic surgery?

A. To remove infected tissue

B. To clean and shape the root canal

C. To place a filling in the root canal

D. To remove the tooth

What is endodontic surgery used to treat?

A. Cavities

B. Gum disease

C. Root canal infections

D. Tooth extraction

A patient has a root canal infection that has not responded to non-surgical treatment. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?

A. Extract the tooth

B. Perform an apicoectomy

C. Perform root canal retreatment

D. Perform apexification

A patient has a root canal infection and wants to avoid surgery. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?

A. Extract the tooth

B. Perform an apicoectomy

C. Perform root canal retreatment

D. Perform apexification

What is the purpose of root canal retreatment?

A. To remove infected tissue

B. To clean and shape the root canal

C. To place a filling in the root canal

D. To remove the tooth

ow is apexification used to treat a root canal infection?

A. By removing the infected tissue at the tip of the root

B. By cleaning and shaping the root canal

C. By placing a filling in the root canal

D. By inducing the formation of a calcified barrier in the root canal

What is the most common type of endodontic surgery?

A. Apicoectomy

B. Root canal retreatment

C. Apexification

D. Pulpotomy

A patient has a root canal infection and is pregnant. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?

A. Extract the tooth

B. Perform an apicoectomy

C. Perform root canal retreatment

D. Perform apexification

How is endodontic surgery typically performed?

A. By drilling into the root canal

B. By making an incision in the gum tissue

C. By removing the entire tooth

D. By using a laser

How is the success of endodontic surgery typically evaluated?

A. By the patient’s pain levels

B. By the appearance of the surgical site

C. By the presence of infection

D. By the patient’s radiographic examination

How is an apicoectomy performed?

A. By removing the entire root of the tooth

B. By removing the infected tissue at the tip of the root

C. By cleaning and shaping the root canal

D. By removing the tooth

Which of the following is NOT a potential complication of endodontic surgery?

A. Damage to the surrounding teeth

B. Damage to the inferior alveolar nerve

C. Infection

D. Hemorrhage


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