Medical Quiz

Nutrition and Calorific Value Quiz

Which of the following nutrients provides energy to the body?
A. carbohydrates
B. vitamins
C. water
D. minerals

Select your answer:


Medical Terminology Prefixes Inflammation and Healing Arteries Clinical Pathology Cell Cycle; Cancer SPED Law-lympics Measles and Hib Integumentary System Medical Terminology 3M Micropara Physiothearpy in Neurology Medical Careers Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Joints in our Body Diabetes Pathophysiology Pediatric Cardiology

Other quiz:

Human Body › View

Which of the following are NOT examples of organisms?

A. dog

B. cat

C. lung

D. human

Skeletal Muscle Anatomy › View

A muscle fiber is made of many… (one step down)

A. Fascicles

B. Myofilaments

C. Myofibrils

D. Sarcomeres