Medical Quiz

Pediatric Cardiology Quiz


What is the most common cause of distributive shock in children?

A. Toxicologic

B. Sepsis

C. Anaphylaxis

D. Adrenal

E. Neurogenic

According to Alabama protocols, a child with sepsis should receive vasopressor therapy to maintain a goal of

A. MAP >=60 mmHg

B. normal BP for age

C. normal HR for age

D. MAP >=75 mmHg

What is shock?

A. Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues

B. Low blood pressure

C. MAP < 65 D. inadequate delivery of CO2 and HCO3 to tissues

What is the dose for Push Dose Epinephrine in the pediatric cardiac dysrhythmias protocol?

A. 1 mcg/kg

B. 0.1 mcg/kg

C. 0.01 mcg/kg

D. 0.1 mg/kg

The umbilical cord has

A. one artery

B. two arteries

C. three arteries

D. four arteries

The adrenal glands in a child produce

A. aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens

B. epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin

C. cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine

D. norepinephrine, dobutamine, isoproterenol

E. aldactone, adrogens, serotonin

A newborn is in shock. Where should you place the pulse oximeter probe?

A. Right upper extremity

B. Left upper extremity

C. Left earlobe

D. Right earlobe

E. Left foot

In a pediatric with sepsis and signs of hypoperfusion, how many times may you repeat a 500 mL bolus before calling OLMD?

A. Once

B. Twice

C. Four times

D. Five times

E. Zero

How does a child compensate for low cardiac output?

A. Increase heart rate

B. Increase SVR

C. Increase heart rate and increase SVR

D. Increase heart rate and decrease SVR

E. Decrease SVR

Positive inotropic medications work by

A. increasing the force of ventricular contraction

B. increasing the conduction speed in the AV node

C. increasing the heart rate

D. decreasing the conduction speed in the AV node

For stable pediatric bradycardia, what is the recommended medication?

A. Push dose epinephrine

B. Push dose calcium chloride

C. Push dose glucagon

D. Push dose Levophed

E. Push dose dobutamine

The umbilical arteries carry

A. oxygenated blood

B. deoxygenated blood

In pediatric septic shock, you will want to set your norepinephrine drip to

A. 0.05-2 mcg/kg/min

B. 0.1-1 mcg/kg/min

C. 5-20 mg/kg/min

D. 5-20 mcg/kg/min

E. 0.15-1 mcg/kg/min

A child presents in shock secondary to an adrenal crisis. The correct dose of SoluMedrol is

A. 1 mg/kg

B. 2 mg/kg

C. 4 mg/kg

D. 0.1-1 mg/kg

E. 0.1 mg/kg

What is the MINIMUM dose of atropine for pediatric stable bradycardia?

A. 0.5 mg

B. 0.1 mg

C. 1 mg

D. 0.25 mg

E. 0.5 mg/kg

A newborn ECG will demonstrate

A. left axis deviation

B. right axis deviation

C. extreme left axis deviation

D. left atrial enlargement

E. right atrial enlargement with 1st degree AV block

What is the most common presentation in pediatric septic shock?

A. Cold shock

B. Warm shock

C. Neurogenic shock

D. Obstructive shock

At moderate concentrations, dopamine affects

A. Beta1 receptors

B. Beta2 receptors

C. Alpha1 receptors

D. Beta3 receptors

E. Alpha2 receptors

Which of the following is an endogenous catecholamine precursor of epinephrine?

A. Dopamine

B. Amiodarone

C. Isoproterenol

D. Milrinone

E. Digoxin

For a wide complex pediatric tachydysrhythmia, what is the dose of amiodarone?

A. 150 mg/kg

B. 5 mg/kg

C. 1 mg/kg

D. 10 mg/kg

E. 50 mg/kg

Fluid resuscitation in septic shock should be dosed based on

A. actual body weight

B. ideal body weight

C. predicted body weight

In utero, the dominant ventricle of the heart is the

A. left ventricle

B. right ventricle

A child in ventricular fibrillation should initially be shocked with

A. 1 J/kg

B. 2 J/kg

C. 3 J/kg

D. 4 J/kg

E. 8 J/kg

What is unique in the neonate compared to infants and older children?

A. Neonates have less acid secretion in the stomach

B. Neonates have more acid secretion in the stomach

C. GI transit time in neonates is slower

D. GI transit time in older children is more rapid

What is the max dose for push dose epinephrine in the pediatric cardiac dysrhythmias protocol?

A. 10 mcg

B. 1 mcg

C. 1 mg

D. 0.1 mcg

E. 100 mcg


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