Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

What is an antonym of “phobia”?
A. Brave
B. Congregate
C. Hiatus
D. Lollygag

Select your answer:


Visual Impairment Bones Transportation Skin Growth The Digestive System Vitamins and Minerals Trichology Immune Cells Faction Children Well-being Environmental Biotechnology Cariology Smoking Related Diseases Intravenous Fluid Therapy The Human Body Muscular System Movements

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Describe the function of the mitochondria.

A. To synthesize proteins

B. To store water and nutrients

C. To produce energy through cellular respiration

D. To provide structural support to the cell

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A basic principle in EMS care is

A. Treat others as they treat you

B. Dont hit first

C. First try not to be sued

D. First do no further harm