Medical Quiz

Bones Quiz


The long arm bone is called ___________?

A. clavicle

B. humerus

C. radius

D. ulna

What is the bone at 9?

A. Tibia

B. Fibula

C. Radius

D. Femur

What is your kneecap called?

A. manible

B. patella

C. calcaneus

D. tarsals

Name the bone shaded in green.

A. Mandible

B. Parietal

C. Temporal

D. Sphenoid

What is the bone at 2?

A. Skull

B. Clavicle

C. Sternum

D. Ribs

What is your shoulder blade called?

A. clavicle

B. ulna

C. sternum

D. scapula

What is the bone at 8?

A. Spinal Column

B. Ilium

C. Radius

D. Femur

What is the bone at 6?

A. Spinal Column

B. Ilium

C. Radius

D. Femur

Name the bone shaded in green.

A. Maxilla

B. Frontal

C. Mandible

D. Sphenoid

What is the bone at 10?

A. Tibia

B. Fibula

C. Radius

D. Femur

what is the bone that protects the brain?

A. skull

B. skeleton

C. eye sockets

D. pelvis

What are bones in your ankle called?

A. femur

B. carpals

C. metatarsals

D. tarsals

What are your wrist bones called?

A. metacarpals

B. carpals

C. tarsals

D. metatarsals

What is the bone at 5?

A. Skull

B. Clavicle

C. Sternum

D. Ribs


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