Medical Quiz

Vitamins and Minerals Quiz


How much amount of fruit should be better there in our diet

A. High

B. Low

C. Minimum

D. None

It is a component of salt. It adds flavors and preserve food.

A. sodium

B. protein

C. carbohydrates

D. potassium

Which mineral builds strong bones?

A. Collagen

B. Vitamin C

C. Calcium

D. Chromium

An example of where you can get vitamin C is from:

A. Legumes

B. Citrus fruits

C. Dark green vegetables

D. Red meat

Deficiency of vitamin B3 causes—– disease

A. Haemolysis

B. Osteomalacia

C. Pellagra

D. Sore Eyes

Statement A: a balance diet that contain all the nutrients required in a day
Statement B:It is not good to take balance diet everyday

A. Both A&B are true

B. A is true and B is false

C. A is false and B is true

D. Both A and are false

It is a nutrient needed to have strong bones

A. iron

B. calcium

C. carbohydrates

D. fiber

Which of the following consider as anti sterility vitamin common in both males and females

A. E

B. A

C. D

D. K

Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of vitamin

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin B1

D. Vitamin K

This mineral helps the red blood cells transport oxygen to all parts of the body.

A. iron

B. calcium

C. carbohydrates

D. fiber

It is the main source of energy of our body.

A. iron

B. calcium

C. carbohydrates

D. fiber

Vitamin B..

A. Gives us energy

B. Helps us see at night

C. Heals our wounds (cuts and scrapes)

D. Is known as the sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D’s function is:

A. Prevents Rickets, helps bones and teeth

B. Hair, skin, prevents night blindness

C. Prevents scurvy, healing

D. Protects cell membranes

Goitre is caused due to deficiency of

A. Iron

B. Iodine

C. Calcium

D. Sodium

This vitamin helps us to have strong immunity.

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin C

D. Vitamin E

Who discovered vitamins for the first time

A. Louis pasteur

B. Casimir funk

C. Clarence birdseye

D. W.K kellogg

This nutrient helps muscles and nerves work and helps regulate blood pressure.

A. Iron

B. Calcium

C. Potassium

D. Sodium

Vitamins A,D, E and K are classified as the…

A. Water soluble vitamins

B. Fat soluble vitamins

It is the building blocks of the body.

A. sodium

B. protein

C. carbohydrates

D. potassium

This vitamin helps us for having a good eyesight.

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin E

D. Potassium

Balance diet is important because

A. Organs and tissues need proper nutrition

B. Body should be free from diseases

C. Body should be able to put on weight

D. All the above

Essential for making hemoglobin; deficiency lead to anemia; common in red meat.

A. Iron

B. Iodine

C. Copper

D. Zinc

Examples for micronutrients

A. Vitamins

B. Minerals

C. Vitamins and minerals

D. None of the above

This helps in making your digestive system healthy, has no calories and makes you feel full.

A. iron

B. calcium

C. carbohydrates

D. fiber

Delay of blood coagulation or anticoagulation vitamin

A. A

B. D

C. K

D. E


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