Medical Quiz

Ecology Quiz

Which of the following statements best describes what will most likely occur to the moth populations in the image above?

A. The light moths will be captured by predators more easily than the dark moths, and the population of dark moths will rise.

B. The light moths will be captured by predators more easily than the dark moths, and the population of light moths will rise.

C. The dark moths will be captured by predators more easily than the light moths, and the dark moths will probably go extinct.

D. The light moths will change their wing color to match that of the dark moths.

Select your answer:


Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Human Eye and Colorful World Muscoskeletal System Motor Neuron Disease The Nervous System Bone Atoms and Radioactivity Musculoskeletal Fitness Gene Cloning Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Bacteria & Disease Ortho Ward Simulation Biochemistry Lab

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