Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

What does “derma” mean in the word “dermatology?”
A. bones
B. teeth
C. heart
D. skin

Select your answer:


Cell Transport Musculoskeletal The nervous system & brain Heterotrophic Nutrition Laboratory Careers Compact Bone Immunisation Cell Structure and Functions Vitals Cells CNA Introduction Stress Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Cell Injury Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions

Other quiz:

Cell and Muscle Histology › View

In smooth muscle, calcium released by the smooth ER initiates contraction by binding to what protein?

A. Actin

B. Calmodulin

C. Desmin

D. Myosin light chain kinase

E. Tropomyosin

Body › View

A new born baby has___ teeth

A. Ten

B. No

C. One

D. Five