Medical Quiz

CNA Introduction Quiz


what is home health care?

A. care given in a LTC facility

B. care provided in an assisted living facility

C. care provided in a person’s home for people older or chronically ill. Sometimes after recent hospital stay

D. care provided only by family members within one’s home

Common Policy: True or False-
Nursing assistants should not discuss personal problems with residents or their families



what services to adult day services provide?

A. 24 hour skilled care for short term care

B. care given by specialists to help restore body after injury

C. some assistance and supervision during certain hours

D. care for people who have approximately six months or less to live

Who makes up the majority of residents in long-term care- men or women?

A. men

B. women

What’s subacute care for?

A. For people who live in a long term facility and require 24 hour care

B. people with approximately six months or less to live.

C. people who need short term skilled care following a surgery

D. people in hospitals or long term facilities who need less care than acute care

What is hospice?

A. care given by specialists. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists help restore or improve function after injury/illness

B. care given in hospitals or surgical centers for immediate care for illness or injury

C. care given in facilities or homes for people who have approx 6 months or less to live. Physical and emotional care and comfort are high priority to resident and support to families

Who does Medicare insurance cover?

A. People 65 and older. Also covers people of any age with permanent kidney failure or certain disabilities

B. people with low-income and are qualified based on special circumstances

Common Policy: True or False
Nursing assistants can do tasks that are not included in the job description



Common Policy: True or False-
Nursing assistants must report important events or changes in residents to a nurse



who is acute care for?

A. people who require short-term, immediate care for illnesses or injuries. People also admitted for short stays for surgery

B. people who have had treatments, procedures, or surgeries and need short-term skilled care

C. people who need some assistance and supervision

D. people who do not need 24 hour skilled care, yet they live in a living facility

What is LTC?

A. Long Term Contract

B. Long Term Care

C. Late Term Care

D. Light Team Commitment

Common Policy: True or False-
All resident information must remain confidential



What kind of care is provided in assisted living facilities?

A. 24 hour skilled care for people with ongoing conditions

B. care provided in a person’s home who is chronically ill or elderly

C. care given in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers

D. care for people who need some help with daily care, however do not need 24 hour skilled care

Common Policy: True or False-
Nursing assistants may take money or gifts from residents or their families if they insist



Common Policy: True or False-
Nursing assistants must be on time for work and dependable




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