Medical Quiz

Cell Structure and Functions Quiz


__________ are living cells that do not conduct sugar themselves but play a crucial role in assisting the movement of sugars.

A. Sieve tube elements

B. Sieve plate

C. Tracheids

D. Companion cells

What is meant by the term “fluid mosaic model”?

A. It is the diffusion of lipid-soluble substances through the lipid bilayer.

B. It is the movement of lipids and integral proteins within the lipid bilayer

C. It is the solubility of water in the membrane

D. It is the method of substance transport across the membrane

The type of epithelial tissue you would expect to find lining the upper respiratory tract is:

A. Simple squamous epithelium

B. Ciliated columnar epithelium

C. Stratified squamous epithelium

D. Simple cuboidal epithelium

What two tissues transport materials throughout the entire plant body?

A. sclerenchyma and xylem

B. phloem and xylem

C. parenchyma and xylem

D. sclerenchyma and collenchyma

The extremely flexible tissue that provides support in soft, nonwoody plants, allowing them to grow upward, is:

A. Parenchyma tissue

B. Collenchyma tissue

C. Sclerenchyma tissue

D. Dermal tissue

Dividing cells are found in all of the following except:

A. Apical meristems

B. Lateral meristems

C. Vascular cambium

D. Fiber cells

Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma are classified as:

A. Dermal tissues

B. Vascular tissues

C. Ground tissues

D. Primary tissues

__________, which are a type of xylem, are extremely efficient in conducting water.

A. Sieve tube element

B. Sclereid

C. Tracheid

D. Vessel element

A human white blood cell engulfs a bacterial cell by:

A. exocytosis

B. phagocytosis

C. pinocytosis

D. the sodium-potassium pump

Which of the following molecules is least likely to cross a cellular membrane by simple diffusion?

A. carbon dioxide

B. nitrogen

C. potassium ion

D. water

Which of the following statements about the sodium-potassium pump is true?

A. It transports 3 sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for 2 potassium ions

B. It transports 2 sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for 3 potassium ions

C. It transports water directly out of the cell

D. It transports hydrogen ions out of the cell

This tissue carries nutrients, waste, respiratory gases and many other substances throughout the body

A. Bone

B. Blood

C. Cartilage

D. Muscle

If dense bone lacked canaliculi:

A. there would be no blood supply to the cells.

B. diffusion between cells would not be possible

C. there would be no nerve supply to the tissue

D. the extracellular matrix would not be formed by osteoblasts

Facilitated diffusion:

A. requires a transmembrane protein

B. requires ATP

C. can move molecules against a concentration gradient

D. is typically used to transport small nonpolar molecules

A wilted flower placed in a vase of water for several hours became stiff and stood erect. When it was placed in a salt solution, it wilted. From this information we can say that the cells of the flower are:

A. hypotonic to both fresh water and the salt solution

B. hypertonic to both the fresh water and the salt solution

C. hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution

D. hypotonic to fresh water but hypertonic to the salt solution

Cells that secrete bone matrix

A. Osteoblast

B. Canaliculi

C. Osteocyte

D. Lamellae

Which cells or cell components play an essential role in the clotting of blood?

A. erythrocytes

B. platelets

C. leukocytes

D. plasma

Used in places where diffusion needs to occur, such as blood vessels and air sacs of lung

A. Simple cuboidal

B. Simple squamous

C. Simple columnar

D. Stratified squamous

Biological membranes are normally permeable to:

A. large, hydrophilic molecules

B. small, hydrophilic molecules

C. large, hydrophobic molecules

D. small, hydrophobic molecules

Cholesterol within membranes functions as a(n) __________ through its interactions with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts of phospholipids

A. pH buffer

B. ebergy source

C. temperature controller

D. fluidity buffer

Who am I? I am dead at maturity and have secondary cell walls composed of lignin.

A. sclerenchyma

B. collenchyma

C. parenchyma

D. phloem

The process illustrated in the figure would most likely be used to transport:

A. glucose

B. hormones

C. potassium ions

D. carbon dioxide

Both smooth muscle fibers and cardiac muscle fibers:

A. have striations.

B. are under involuntary control.

C. are multinucleate.

D. have branching

The type of tissue represented is:

A. Compact bone

B. Hyaline cartilage

C. Simple squamous epithelium

D. Blood


A. is engulfment of large particles by the cell

B. involves the specific binding of molecules to receptors on the cell surface

C. is the nonspecific uptake of fluids by pinching inward of the plasma membrane

D. is movement of molecules against the concentration gradient through a permeable membrane


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