Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

A sociology student will typically study what?
A. the study of humans
B. the study of life and living things
C. the study of how people interact
D. the study of the mind

Select your answer:


The Skeletal System Skeletal System Type 1 Diabetes Renal System - Pharmacology Parts of the Body Foodborne Illness Infectious Disease Dermis Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Understanding Psychology Nervous System Brain and Nervous System Immunology IBD Nervous System/Endocrine System Branches of Microbiology Neurological Concepts

Other quiz:

Muscles › View

The pects are located in _____________ area.

A. knee

B. neck

C. shoulder

D. chest

CRISPR and Sickle-Cell Disease › View

What is the potential risk associated with gene-altering therapies for sickle-cell disease?

A. Increased risk of vaso-occlusive crises

B. Development of blood cancers

C. Ineffective production of fetal haemoglobin

D. Loss of natural DNA-repair mechanisms