Medical Quiz

The Skeletal System Quiz


Bone forming cells are called :

A. osteocytes

B. osteoblasts

C. foramen

D. sutures

Which part of the bone is less dense and porous?

A. Compact Bone

B. Spongy Bone

C. Bone Marrow

D. Periosteum

What do bones need to grow?

A. Lots of water

B. Calcium

C. Green Vegetables

D. Fractures

The skeletal system works with this system to allow body movement.

A. Muscular

B. Digestive

C. Respiratory

D. Circulatory

What is the name of the kneecap bone?

A. Fibula

B. Tibia

C. Patella

D. Femur

What type of joint is found at the elbow?

A. hinge

B. ball and socket

C. saddle

D. gliding

What are bones like on the outside?

A. Soft and spongy

B. Heavy and solid

C. Thin and Brittle

D. Thick and strong

Which fracture is common when a person tried to break their fall with outstretched arms? (NOLAN LOPER!)

A. greenstick 

B. impacted

C. Compression

D. Spiral

What type of joint is found at the hip?

A. hinge

B. ball and socket

C. saddle

D. gliding

Where would you find the humerus?

A. head

B. leg

C. arm

D. knee

What type of bone is about as wide as it is long?

A. Long bones

B. Short bones

C. Flat bones

D. Irregular bones

What is the purpose of the rib cage?

A. Helps us to think

B. Carries blood throughout the body

C. Protects our brain

D. Protects our vital organs

What connects bones together?

A. ligaments

B. brains

C. trachea

D. heart

Sue has three fractured ribs; in relation to the sternum the ribs are:

A. saggital

B. medial

C. lateral

D. superior

What is a fracture?

A. Large bone

B. Broken bone

C. Bone made of cartilage

D. Piece of bone

What important minerals are stored in the bones?

A. Iron and phosphorous

B. Fluoride and iodine

C. calcium and phosphorus

D. Zinc and vitamin C

All the bones in the human body are called the ____________.

A. Ligaments

B. Skeleton

C. Cartilage

D. Bones

What does bone marrow produce?

A. Muscles

B. Blood

C. Hair

D. Water

The part of the skeleton along the axis of the body is –

A. Appendicular

B. Axial

C. Exoskeleton

D. Endoskeleton

What type of bones are muscles attached to?

A. Long bones

B. Short bones

C. Flat bones

D. Irregular bones

What term means bone disease?

A. osteopathy

B. ostectomy

C. osteiotomy

D. ostiomalacia

The spine ribs and sternum protect the organs contained in what cavity?

A. buccal

B. abdominal

C. pelvic

D. thoracic

How many bones make up the adult human skeleton?

A. 313

B. 400

C. 279

D. 206

What term means softening of the bone ?

A. osteopathy

B. ostectomy

C. osteiotomy

D. ostiomalacia

This part of the skeletal system has over half of the body’s bones.

A. Appendicular

B. Axial

C. Exoskeleton

D. Endoskeleton


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