Medical Quiz

The Skeletal System Quiz


What are bones like on the inside?

A. Soft and spongy

B. Thick and strong

C. Thin and brittle

D. Heavy and rough

Tissues that hold bones together at a joint are called _________.

A. Joint

B. Tendon

C. Ligament

D. Cartilage

What type of joint is found at the hip?

A. hinge

B. ball and socket

C. saddle

D. gliding

Most insects have this type skeleton.

A. Appendicular

B. Axial

C. Exoskeleton

D. Endoskeleton

Which joints in the human skeleton work in a similar way?

A. hips and backbone

B. elbows and shoulders

C. toes and shoulders

D. ankles and wrists

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. 

A. Scoliosis

B. greenstick fracture 

C. osteoporosis

D. Arthritis

What type of joint is found at the elbow?

A. hinge

B. ball and socket

C. saddle

D. gliding

A common term for chronic inflammation of a joint is…

A. Osteoporosis

B. fracture

C. Scoloisis

D. arthritis

What important minerals are stored in the bones?

A. Iron and phosphorous

B. Fluoride and iodine

C. calcium and phosphorus

D. Zinc and vitamin C

When do bones stop growing?

A. Age 20

B. Age 15

C. Age 25

D. Bones don’t grow

Tough band of tissue that holds bones together

A. cartilage

B. vertebrae

C. ligament

D. marrow

If your body were a tall building, your skeleton would be:

A. The beams and joists that hold it up

B. The plumbing and electrical systems

C. The foundation that anchors it to the ground

D. The apartments and offices inside it

What does the cranium protect?

A. heart

B. eyes

C. brain

D. liver

Bones that are not long, short, or flat are called ____________ bones.

A. Long

B. Short

C. Flat

D. Irregular

Why is it important to keep bones healthy?

A. Bones stop growing longer around age 25.

B. Bones can break easily.

C. Bones are alive and working.

D. Bones only grow once.


BIOMEDICAL MCQ Blood and Bones Microbes and Infectious Disease Illness and Symptoms Digestion Organisms Body Defense Iron Kinetics Knee Anatomy Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Inherited & Acquired Traits Radiation and Health Hematologic System Composition of Blood and Blood Cells