Medical Quiz

Tissues Quiz

Which type of Epithelial cells help in the movement of solid particles (eg. mucus), through a rythmic, concerted beating of the thread-like structures in its outer lining ?

A. Squamous epithelial tissue

B. Cuboidal epithelial tissue

C. Columnar epithelial tissue

D. Ciliated epithelial tissue

Select your answer:


Muscles and Movements Types of Reproduction Inhalation Injury PBS Routine Testing Organisms Therapeutic Services Roots Wellness Vocabulary Movement Bones Facial & Dental Injuries Pathology of Respiratory System Tissue Repair Pathology Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Disease Cards World Health Day

Other quiz:

Genetic Engineering › View

Which of the following is NOT an example of a genome sequencing project?

A. Human Genome Project (HGP)

B. 1000 Genomes Project

C. ENCODE Project

D. 23 and Me Project

Health issue related to immune system › View

When antibodies combine with antigens, it can act as marker for phagocytes to recognise the antigens. This statement refer to?

A. Precipitation

B. Opsonisation

C. Neutralisation

D. Agglutination