Medical Quiz

Muscles and Movements Quiz


Movement of arm/leg toward the midline

A. flexion

B. extension

C. adduction

D. abduction


A. causes ATP binding to actin

B. increases the action potential along the sarcolemma

C. binds to proteins on myosin

D. triggers the binding of myosin to actin

Which number represents myosin filament?

A. 1

B. 5

C. 3

D. 4

What two chemicals are necessary for muscle contraction to occur?

A. Niacin and Potassium

B. Calcium and ATP

C. Sodium and Potassium

D. Ach and Potassium

When actin is pulled past the myosin filament the..

A. Sarcomere shortens

B. Muscle shortens

C. Z line shortens

D. All of the above

Which types of movement are permitted by the elbow joint?

A. flexion and extension

B. abduction and adduction

C. rotation

D. all the above

Which types of movement are permitted by the hip joint?

A. flexion and extension

B. adduction and abduction

C. rotation

D. all the above

What is the definition of atrophy?

A. Reduction in size or wasting away of an organ or tissue

B. The ability of a muscle to shorten forcibly when stimulated

C. An increase in the size of a tissue or organ

D. The ability to stretch a material beyond its resting length

What state is the sarcomere in #1

A. Relaxed

B. Contracting

C. Fully Contracted

D. None of the above

Contractile unit of a muscle which is also the functional unit of a muscle is …

A. sarcomere

B. motor unit

C. fascicle

D. myofibril

Movement to straighten a joint

A. extension

B. flexion

C. dorsiflexion

D. pronation

When a muscle contracts

A. both actin and myosin become shorter in length

B. myosin heads pull the actin towards the M line

C. actin heads pull myosin towards H line

D. the sarcomere length increases

In the diagram of a motor unit, what is represented by the part labelled X?

A. Axon

B. Neuromuscular synapse

C. Nucleus

D. Dendrite

Which of the following statements is true about the sliding filament theory?

A. During contraction the H zone remains the same length

B. A cross-bridge is formed by troponin and tropomysin attaching to one another

C. A nerve impulse causes an action potential to spread across the muscle

D. ATP is released around the filaments, stimulating the muscle to contract

Movement to bend a joint

A. extension

B. circumduction

C. eversion

D. flexion

Movement of the hand/foot so that the thumb/big toe moves toward the midline

A. inversion

B. eversion

C. adduction

D. abduction

Movement of the arm/leg away from the midline

A. adduction

B. eversion

C. inversion

D. abduction

What is cholinesterase?

A. It’s an enzyme

B. It’s a mineral

C. It’s a muscle type

D. It’s neurotransmitter

Region where a motor neuron comes in close contact with a muscle cell.

A. neurotransmitter

B. muscular dystrophy

C. muscle tension

D. neuromuscular junction

The organelle that contains actin and myosin.

A. Tendon

B. myofilament

C. myofibril

D. Fiber

What is the neurotransmitter involved in stimulating muscle contraction?

A. Tropomysosin

B. Acetylcholine

C. Calcium ions

D. Pyruvate

What structural component separates each sarcomere?

A. The M line

B. The Z line

C. The H Zone

D. The A Zone

Thin filaments in a myofibril are

A. Sarcomeres

B. Sarcoplasm

C. Actin

D. Myosin

Thick filaments are in a myofibril are

A. ATPase

B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

C. Actin

D. Myosin

What is the structure that stores the Calcium in the muscle cell.  

A. Sarcoplasm

B. Sarcolemma

C. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

D. Myoglobin


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