Medical Quiz

Pathology of Respiratory System Quiz


Inelasticity of the lungs due to chronic inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue:

A. pleuritis/pleurisy

B. pneumothorax

C. pneumonia

D. emphysema

What are the signs and symptoms of COPD?

A. Wheezing, snoring & sneezing

B. Weight muscle, mucus & wheezing

C. Wheezing, mucus & weight loss

D. Shortness of breath, sneezing & mucus

There is a cure for asthma



C.O.P.D : Is a group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breath.

A. False 


An infection of the lungs that causes inflammation; causes by a virus, bacterium, fungus or in rare cases up in the lungs making gas exchange difficult

A. pneumonia

B. acute bronchitis

C. dyspnea

D. tuberculosis

The patient is having problems breathing. A medical term for this is…

A. Hemoralgia

B. Dyspnea

C. malcarbona

D. apnea

Which of the following respiratory diseases can lead shortness of breath due to difficulty exhaling all the air from the lungs?

A. Obstructive

B. Restrictive

C. Vascular

D. Infectious

What does C.O.P.D stand for?

A. Complex Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

B. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

C. Chronic Objective Pulmonary Disease

D. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Distruction

Disease characterized by inflamed, narrow airways that make it difficult for air to pass through.


B. Pulmonary Edema

C. Pneumothorax

D. Asthma

What happens during an asthma attack when you have C.O.P.D?

A. The bronchioles close and make it impossibe to breathe

B. You cannot breathe at all

C. The bronchioles go into spasm causing air passages to get squeezed 

D. The trachea go into spasm causing air passages to get squeezed

Which of the following respiratory diseases refer to a chronic lung conditions that limit the ability of a person’s lungs to expand during inhalation?

A. Obstructive

B. Restrictive

C. Vascular

D. Infectious

Difficulty in breathing which progressively worsens over time usually due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

A. influenza

B. pneumonia

C. dyspnea

D. tuberculosis

Accumulation of fluid in the lungs is known as 

A. atelectasis

B. acute pulmonary distress syndrome

C. pulmonary edema

D. pneumothorax

Diseases like asthma, emphysema, bronchitis are categorized with C.O.P.D 



A long lasting respiratory condition in which the airways of the lungs become obstructed due to inflammation of the bronchi and excessive mucous production

A. acute bronchitis

B. hyperventilation

C. chronic bronchitis

D. emphysema

which one could be a symptom of C.O.P.D ?

A. hallucinations 

B. dizziness

C. shortness of breath 

D. Chronic ache 

Chronic inflammation of the lungs characterized by an abnormal increase in the air spaces near the bronchioles; causes an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the lungs.

A. bronchiospasms

B. chronic bronchitis

C. hyperventilation

D. emphysema

A disease of the lungs characterized by recurring episodes of airway inflammation causing bronchospasms and increased mucous production.

A. pneumonia

B. acute bronchitis

C. chronic bronchitis

D. asthma

What is the direct cause of asthma attacks?

A. Blood clots in the trachea

B. Swelling and excess mucous in the airways

C. Excess fluid in the air sacs

D. Infection of the lungs

Infection of the lungs where alveoli are flooded with bacteria and WBCs:

A. pneumonia

B. pleuritis/pleurisy

C. Roarers

D. pulmonary edema

Which of the following is an infection causes inflammation in the alveoli due to formation of pus?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Pneumonia

C. Asbestosis


An accumulation of tissue fluid in the alveoli of the lungs:

A. pulmonary edema

B. pneumonia

C. pleural effusion

D. pulmonary thromboembolism

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease.



Disease that combines chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It drastically reduces vital gas exchange and is attributed primarily to smoking.

A. Pneumothorax

B. Pulmonary Edema

C. Asthma


What is pleuritic chest pain?

A. Pain that worsens when you sit down

B. Pain that hurts when you poke your chest

C. Pain that hurts more on the affected side

D. Pain that gets worse when breathing


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