Medical Quiz

Cosmetology Quiz

What type of skin appears shiny or greasy from clogged, dead cells in the follicle?

A. Dehydrated skin

B. Oily skin

C. Acid skin

D. Combination skin

Select your answer:


Haematology Diseases & Disorders Pathogens Metabolic Sauver Physical Education and Health Genetics Microbial Growth Hearing Impairment Protein Synthesis Enzymes Enzymes and Digestion Bones Anatomy Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Immunity in Humans Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Regulation of Urine Formation

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A. Cardiologist

B. Dentist

C. Gastroenterologist

D. Pediatrician

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Which brain region was damaged as a result of Phineas Gage’s work accident?

A. Accidental lobe

B. Frontal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D. Temporal lobe