Medical Quiz

Health and Social Care Quiz

What is professional referral?

A. When you take yourself to a care practitioner for help

B. When you take a neighbour to an appointment

C. When a care professional such as a GP refers you to another care professional

D. When a care professional such as social services removes a child from an unsafe home

Select your answer:


Immune Cells Faction Cellular Transport and Metabolism Thyroid Medicine Clinics Mutation & Genetic Engineering Cancer & Cell Cycle Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Cardiovascular Nursing Human Genetics Food System & Nutrients Skeleton Blood Neurological Concepts MEDICINE Cellular Respiration

Other quiz:

Health and The Environment › View

Sequence the life cycle of the mosquito.

A. Adult mosquito, Eggs, Larva, Pupa

B. Adult mosquito, Eggs, Pupa, Larva

C. Eggs, Larva, Pupa, Adult Mosquito

D. Eggs, Pupa, Larva, Adult Mosquito

Biology › View

Name the gland that controls the functioning of other endocrine glands

A. Pituitary gland

B. Rineal gland

C. Adrenal gland

D. Pancreas