Medical Quiz

Blood Quiz


Identify the definition of the medical term:SUPINE

A. Lying on the back face up

B. Lying on the floor face down

C. In front of the body

D. Conducting toward a structure

E. Pertaining to the side

Proteins on red blood cells that determine the blood type

A. antigens

B. antibodies

C. Protein Molecules

D. Marker Molecules

How many systems does the body have?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 1

The human body has how many types of tissue?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 1

Where are red blood cells produced?

A. Bone Marrow

B. Heart

C. Lungs

D. Brain

What is the medical term pertaining to?SARCOMA

A. A malignant tumor of connective or bone tissue

B. A mass of blood

C. A flesh tumor; benign

D. A skin tumor of epithelial cells

E. A portion of backbone

Identify the definition of the medical term:HYPO-

A. Below

B. Up

C. Removal, excision, resection

D. Cut into, incision, section

E. Above

Filter lymph, trapping bacteria and disease-causing microorganisms in the fluid.

A. Lymph Nodes

B. Lymphatic System

C. Lymph

D. Platelets

Identify the definition of the medical term:CHONDR/O

A. Cartilage

B. Skull

C. Chest

D. Sacrum

E. Groin

Why is the Red Blood Cells color red?

A. because of hemoglobin

B. because of protein

C. because of blood

D. because of erythrocytes

Identify the definition of the medical term:HISTOLOGIST

A. The study of tissue

B. The study of feet

C. The study of spinal cords

D. The study of pharmacology

E. The study of body cavities

_______ tissue carries messages from the brain to the spinal column.

A. Nervous

B. Epithelial

C. Muscle

D. Connective

It is the blood making process inside our body.

A. Hematopoiesis

B. Hematology

C. Hemophilia

D. Hematoprocess

The blood helps in fighting off infectious microorganisms.



What is the medical term pertaining to?DERMA

A. Skin

B. Nervous Tissue

C. Bone

D. Fat

E. Cartilage

What is the rarest blood type in the U.S.?

A. A

B. B


D. O

Identify the definition of the medical term:-ECTOMY

A. Removal, excision, resection

B. Up

C. Cut into, incision, section

D. Below

E. Above

Choose the correct term that means:PERTAINING TO THE HEAD

A. Superior, Cephalic

B. Medial

C. Inferior, Caudal

D. Lateral

E. Superficial

Choose the correct term that means:LYING HORIZONTAL FACE DOWN

A. Prone

B. Transverse

C. Supine

D. Posterior

E. Superficial

Choose the correct term that means:AWAY FROM THE SURFACE BODY

A. Deep

B. Superficial

C. Inferior, Caudal

D. Superior, Cephalic

E. Medial

About how long does it take blood to completely cycle through the body?

A. 1 second

B. 1 Day

C. 1 minute

D. 1 hour

Identify the definition of the medical term:EPI-

A. Above

B. Up

C. Removal, excision, resection

D. Cut into, incision, section

E. Below

How much blood is taken when someone donates blood?

A. one cup

B. one pint

C. one quart

D. one gallon

A condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin

A. Lymphatic System

B. Not Anemia

C. Platelets

D. Anemia

How many blood types do cows have?

A. 8

B. 80

C. 800

D. 8000


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