Medical Quiz

Medicine Clinics Quiz


Diagnostic criteria for Diabetes Mellitus are all EXCEPT –

A. Hba1c ≥ 6.5%

B. FBS ≥ 126mg/dl

C. 2 hour OGTT ≥ 200mg/dl

D. RBS ≥ 180mg/dl with features of hyperglycemia

Regarding Leptospirosis all are true except

A. It is caused by Gram negative Spirochete

B. Human to human spread via urine is the most common route of infection

C. Leptospira can’t penetrate intact skin

D. Frequency increases in monsoon and after floods

Regarding Malaria all are true except

A. Clinical features may include fever, malaise, pallor, icterus, hepatosplenomegaly

B. Indigenous malaria is common in Kerala

C. Vector is female Anopheles mosquito

D. Severe illness may cause respiratory distress, seizures, renal failure, hypoglycemia

Regarding Malaria, false statement is

A. A malarial attack or paroxysm consists of initial shaking chills, high grade fever and generalized diaphoresis, followed by resolution of fever

B. Diagnostic is visualization of parasite in thick and thin blood smears

C. Recrudescences in Falciparum malaria arise from persisting liver stage forms called hypnozoites

D. Treatment option of uncomplicated vivax malaria is Chloroquine

18 year old girl presents with syncopal episode and history of fatigue. Peripheral blood smear is shown.

Most likely diagnosis is

A. Lead poisoning

B. Leukemia

C. Iron deficiency

D. Megaloblastic anemia

A Post partum female is referred with abnormal TFT, TSH is undetectable, T3 and T4 are low, how will you interpret?

A. Primary Hyperthyroidism

B. Secondary Hyperthyroidism

C. Primary Hypothyroidism

D. Secondary Hypothyroidism

All are indications for emergency blood transfusion EXCEPT

A. Road accident victim having Hb drop from 14g% to 10g% over the last 4 hours

B. 67 year old admitted with angina diagnosed as acute coronary syndrome, Hb of 8g%

C. 50 year old male with hookworm infection having Hb of 5g%

D. Post menopausal female with fibroid uterus, with fatigue and dyspnea and having Hb of 7g%

Chest Xray showing Bilateral opacities progressing to ARDS may be seen in –

A. Leptospirosis

B. Scrub Typhus

C. Viral pneumonia

D. All of the above

Diarrhea due to preformed toxin usually have a short incubation period of <6 hours, common causes are – A. Streptococcus agalactiae B. Bacillus cereus C. Staphylococcus aureus D. Clostridium spp

All are correct matched treatment for DM except –

A. Biguanides – Metformin

B. Sulphonylureas -Glimipiride, Gliclazide

C. GLP1 analogues – Sitagliptin, Linagliptin

D. Insulin analogues – Aspart, Lispro

All are components of pre-test counselling for HIV except –

A. Discuss meaning of positive and negative test results

B. Maintain confidentiality

C. Obtain informed consent, after explaining test procedure

D. Identify person(s) to whom results may be disclosed

E. Transmission and risk reduction need not be discussed

Hanging drop test is used to identify

A. Vibrio cholera

B. Paratyphi A

C. Shigella flexneri

D. Entamoeba histolytica

A female with oligomenorrhea is referred from OBG with the following TFT – TSH undetectable, T3 and T4 are elevated, how will you interpret ?

A. Primary Hyperthyroidism

B. Secondary Hyperthyroidism

C. Primary Hypothyroidism

D. Secondary Hypothyroidism

Regarding fever all are true except

A. Hyperpyrexia is body temperature of more than 106F

B. Normal rectal temperature is more than axillary temperature which itself is more than oral temperature

C. Normal diurnal variation is less than 1°C

D. Normal peak temperature is at 4pm and nadir is at 6am

A 60 year old woman is detected to have DM on routine health checkup, and was advised Urine Routine Examination, which showed – Glucose 2+, Pus cells – 10-15, Bacteria present.

Which is the appropriate management

A. Oral Nitrofurantoin

B. Intravenous Cephalosporin

C. First IV then later oral antibiotics

D. No antibiotics

False regarding history and clinical examination in patient with pallor –

A. History of melena, hematochezia or hematemesis suggests GI loss

B. Vegan diet, total gastrectomy, history of autoimmune disease (vitiligo, hashimotos, graves disease, etc) point to possible folic acid deficiency

C. Sensory neuropathy, angular cheilosis and bald tongue are features of B12 deficiency

D. Icterus, splenomegaly, abdominal pain and dark urine suggest hemolytic anemia.

Characteristic CT chest findings in COVID is

A. Bilateral ground glass opacities, and crazy paving pattern

B. Upper lobe patchy consolidation and cavitatory lesion

C. Diffuse pleural thickening with or without pleural effusion

D. Tram track sign and signet ring sign

14 year old boy came with complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, mucus in stools, and low weight since 1 year. Stool microscopy showed this. Possible diagnosis?

A. Hookworm infection

B. Tape worm infection

C. Whip worm infection

D. Pin worm infection

Most common cause of anaemia is

A. Iron deficiency

B. B12 deficiency

C. Folate Defieciency

D. Thalassemia

False regarding management of acute diarrhea is –

A. Isolation, hand hygiene and notification of public health is advised

B. Replacement of fluids

C. Routine use of antibiotics

D. Antidiarrheal agents may be used in antibiotic associated diarrhea

Caused by

A. Neisseria Gonorrhoea

B. Cytomegalovirus

C. Varicella virus

D. Staphylococcus aureus

False statement regarding complications of DM is

A. Pregabalin and duloxetine are approved for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy

B. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and the angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are the preferred agents to delay the progression of albuminuria

C. SGLT-2 inhibitors empagliflozin and canagliflozin worsen cardiovascular outcomes, hence must be avoided in diabetic patients with coexisting heart disease.

D. First screening of Diabetic retinopathy is recommended to be done on diagnosis of type 2 DM

All of the following are true regarding Dengue fever except

A. Positive tourniquet test is an indication for platelet transfusion

B. Complications are Hemorrhage, Shock syndrome, DIC, encephalitis, Hepatitis, myocarditis

C. Warning signs are – Abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, hepatomegaly >2cm, Fluid accumulation, lethargy, rapid rise in hematocrit with fall in platelets, mucosal bleed,

D. Severe Dengue is – Shock, Respiratory Distress, severe haemorrhage, severe organ involvement

All are usual features of hyperthyroidism except

A. Palpitations and tremor

B. Loss of appetite

C. Lid lag

D. Tachycardia

All are features of Hypothyroidism EXCEPT –

A. Pallor

B. Constipation

C. Cold intolerance

D. Sweaty skin


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