Medical Quiz

Human Genetics Quiz


Female gametes in humans are:

A. X


C. Y

D. X and Y

Hair colour is an example of a character that is:

A. Acquired

B. Hereditary

Using humans as subjects for genetic experiments is difficult because:

A. We can arrange crosses between individuals

B. Humans have a short generation time

C. Individuals tend to have relatively few offspring

D. Family history data is very accurate

Genes found in the sex chromosomes produce illnesses called:

A. Sex-linked disorders

B. Inheritance influenced by sex

C. Autosomal disorders

D. Recessive disorders

Genes found in the autosomes that have different degrees of dominance depending on the sex of the individual are:

A. Sex-linked disorders

B. Inheritance influenced by sex

C. Autosomal disorders

D. Recessive disorders

A chromosomal disorder in which it happens a loss of a chromosomal fragment is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

Male gametes in humans are:

A. X


C. Y

D. X and Y

A chromosomal disorder in which an exchange of fragments between chromosomes is produced is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

The recessive allele in blood type in humans is:

A. A


C. B

D. O

A chromosomal disorder in which a fragment of a chromosome is repited is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

Tumours that can migrate to other parts of he body are called:

A. Mutations

B. Good

C. Metastasis

D. Bening

Characters used to cathegorize members of a species into different groups are:

A. Discontinuous

B. Continuous

C. Acquired

D. Hereditary

When a female is heterozygous for a recessive sex-linked disorder, she:

A. Is a carrier

B. Is ill with that disease

C. Won’t pass the illness to her offspring


STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Haematology The nervous system & brain Muscle pathophysiology Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Respiration Molecular Biology Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Biochemistry Vocabulary Hazards & Risks Microrganisms Cell Cycle; Cancer Muscles Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Mitosis