Medical Quiz

-ology Quiz

Dr. Olson enjoys studying ancient humans and how they have changed and adapted over the years. What was his college degree in?

A. anthropology

B. psychology

C. geology

D. dermatology

Select your answer:


T Cells Hospitality Disease and Immunity Connective Tissue Excretion-Dialysis Innate Immunity Heredity and Living Cells Immune System The Brain Dementia Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Common Respiratoty Diseases Movement and Locomotion Health - Nutrition Myocarditis

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Mendelian disorders are due to:

A. Chromosomal abnormalities

B. Single gene defect

C. Environmental Factors

D. Mitochondrial gene mutations

E. X-linked mutations

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A 23 year old woman has been kicked in the abdomen by a horse. She is alert and oriented and complains of pain to her lower abdomen. You should suspect:

A. a flail chest

B. internal bleeding

C. a fractured pelvis

D. an ectopic pregnancy