Medical Quiz

T Cells Quiz


What antigens are NOT present in class I?





Explain effector cells?

A. cell-mediated immunity or humoral response

B. rapid response to re-exposure

What is phagocytosis?

A. microbes that are engulfed by phagocytes which destroys, removes, confines antigens or its by products

B. microbes that are engulfed by phagocytes which creates & invites antigens or its by products

Define class II MHC

A. mostly restricted to pAPCs, presentation of extracellular pathogens

B. always restricted to pAPCs, presentation of extracellular pathogens

C. defines self on all nucleated cells, presentation of extracellular pathogens

When in doubt choose…

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

What are normal cells?

A. MHC proteins contain “self peptide”

B. MHC proteins contain “self poptide”

C. HHC protein contain “self peptide”

D. LCM protein contain “self peptide”

What is the colour of the sun?

A. white

B. yellow

C. orange

D. big ball light in sky

Explain memory cells?

A. for rapid response to re-exposure

B. cell-mediated immunity or humoral response

What do CD8+ cells do?

A. migrate to the site of infection and target cells infected with intracellular organisms

B. coordinate immune responses to specific threats

T or F. T cells require presentation of linear epitope sequences following Ag processing



What is the worst subject?

A. physiology

B. quant skills

C. genes

D. immune & infect

What antigen-specific T cell attaches to class II MHC?

A. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes

B. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes

Define class I MHC

A. defines self on all nucleated cells, presentation of extracellular pathogens

B. defines self on some nucleated cells, presentation of extracellular pathogens

C. mostly restricted to pAPCs, presentation of extracellular pathogens

What antigens are NOT in class II





What are NOT the first cells in an infectious encounter?

A. dendritic cells

B. T cells

C. macrophages

D. B cells

What is antigen presentation?

A. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto class I and class II MHC

B. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto ONLY class I MHC

C. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto ONLY class II MHC

What are infected cells?

A. MHC expresses some pathogen peptides

B. LCM expresses some pathogen peptides

C. MHC expresses alot of pathogen peptides

D. MHC expresses all pathgoen peptides

What do CD4+ helper cells do?

A. regulate both innate and adaptive immunity

B. regulate ONLY innate immunity

C. regulate ONLY adaptive immunity

What antigen-specific T cell attaches to class I MHC?

A. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes

B. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes


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