Medical Quiz

Myocarditis Quiz


Which one is the diagnostic finding for this disease

A. MRI without contras

B. Endomyocardial Biopsy

C. Inspection

D. X-ray

Heart transplant is treatment if ___________ myocarditis

A. Acute

B. Severe

C. Moderate

____________ and __________ is treatment for severe myocarditis

A. Coronary Bypass Surgery

B. IV medication

C. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

D. A and B

E. B and C

Severe myocarditis can develope _________

A. Peripheral Edema

B. Angina Pectoris

C. Pericardial Friction Rub

D. Heart Failure

Which one is the manifestation of myocarditis from viral illness


A. i Only

B. ii and iii

C. i and ii

D. All above

Inflammation involve myocarditis can cause…..

A. Heart Dilation

B. Mural Thrombi

C. Degenaration of muscle fibre

D. All above is true

Treatment for myocarditis

A. Diuretic therapy

B. Antibiotic therapy

C. Corticosteroid therapy

D. All Above

What is the causes of inflammation of myocardium

A. Parasitic Infection

B. Coxsackievirus B

C. High Fever

D. Diarrhea

E. A and B

Myocarditis is symtomatic disease

A. Yes


Inflammation of myocardium is detectable abnormalities

A. Yes

B. No


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