Medical Quiz

Chest, Back, Abs Quiz

What muscle is the black line pointing to?

A. the biceps brachia

B. the trapezius

C. the latissimus dorsi

D. the deltoid

Select your answer:


Digestive and Circulatory System Microbiology Blood types and Blood Components Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Compact Bone Conjunctivita Nervous & Endocrine Systems HCMA - Hematology Infection Ankle Injuries Body Movements Hygiene and Nutrition Skin Appendages Mutations Cardiovascular System Anatomy

Other quiz:

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Whose measurements are important for myoelectric control of prosthetic devices?

A. a) VCG

B. b) ECG

C. c) EEG

D. d) EMG

Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries › View

Sever’s Disease is an apophysitis of which bone

A. calcaneus (achilles tendon)

B. navicular (posterior tib)

C. 1st metatarsal (anterior tib)

D. medial cuneiform (peroneus longus)